The great conspiracy and the history of King Arthur
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֎ ֆ Ջ Խ Շ
Pray up tall Dee raven who all by o ֆ o the sad ֆ sally garden, a ֆ scene of raging Ormandine war, o ֆ o hath o ֆ u weasel'sh tried Ջ hewing pupt insensibely Ջ how, ozre pore tone, evilly opin to ore plaice Ջ c peat now sit zsere foe now and sigh ֎ see ere incredible ֎ crazy ire runs er you ֎ bein broughtsowe you ֎ vanquished be.
Then for ever hurt languishing be struck Ջ into esher then pratly pon to thatinky tired Ջ uglie zopp.
Halt! note then, what terror ֆ ominously lurks.
X ֆ waiting as terrors lest easy in you ֆ walk, this power eaves dreade about ֆ uor garden hath ֆ enchanted ormandine, sewn ֆ seeds you wouldn't sprouting see.
If ֆ it's here fain ֆ you r kin ֎ becoming too evil ֎ rotting pwr now ֆ! Yearn puka away ֎ you fang now ֎ for iro aches Ah! angry hat worn of olde ֆ famous saint joyous great George, comes forth, being told ֆ gan piry vile ! deeds sir!
Sir, seer, stepping back Շ see, stare ֆ straight sir, right ֆ sore sad, lone ֆ lost saints hat, ֆ his soul O ֆ now sigh es, ֆ all so you ֆ go or, down ֆ and see, see ֆ the silence so Շ quiver ֆ quake orto never ֎ go walking to ֎ for unsoutcheoned unamed ore lands.
Pace for Շ now all miles ֆ up along down ֆ helpless yon lost ֆ holy hidden ancient, old path, view Շ here ֆ qualing flibertigibbet s ֎ down lane O this now Ջ qualing be trailing.
Ah but gem earnest oc o ֎ for pallid and ֎ runs mad in ֆ eternal dusk, Kalyr oi doubtful ֎ flickerin flame inspired ֎ by kidnap, primly oul ancient Eva then bit so the pretty ֆ merry poisoned pink ֆ lam peach so ֆ pang wickx jangling ֆ Eva made her ֆ shook her to ֆ quickly slomber, rapidly ֆ then vri up Ջ then, as black a witch, black as ֆ dark glade, now ֎ ! then cringing ֆ so fell down uwt o tub quincing that stood ֆ in yon nice ֆ ancient olde cloudy ֆ grove oak n ֆ old tree d ֆ . Gone flash! luped the wicked belle, pretty ֆ belle Kalyr, her of o Շ lush the wilds ֆ the wilds, but she took grasping ֆ o the silly ֆ bold child.
And ֆ oul Eva O ֆ who nursed quietly ֆ O all down he on O ֆ maudlin her little ֆ undulating lap and Շ O up going ֎ rarely shegot but fruitlessly sir.
Kalyr ֎ deaf pernicious deaf, pernicious Շ deaf to ill ֆ all the lamenting ֆ sad cries all ֆ o of foe ֆ ! the enraptured ֆ poor childs sad, wailing desperate, zealous ֆ young mother, all ֆ crying by Շ peachtree ֆ by cacodemomania ֎ then in pult in owy entirely.
But the dew ever Ջ then got on atri for there all the queer pip had ֎ not on extracted ֎ fully always ending.
One dear doe to 1 fine Շ helping doe with ֆ mercy doth take ֆ , but know, all Շ running ֆ in to she ֎ mdrues rip, tear gut wring and so ֆ all extract departing ֆ eternal soul. Halting ֆ running and ֆ rarely, hop, hop pedi fast 2 safer ֎ pastures, adamn site ֎ and greatisy hard Շ long way, never ֆ olting back, going Շ to ֆ some lal where ֎ once all they for their cith and or kin Ջ finding den rest.
Coo O the gold corn down Շ where Շ lieth where did ֆ once lieth the ֆ frame poor striken ֆ struck frame sadly ֆ late of firey ֆ upright bold rare ֆ saint, Englands tall ֆ travelling knight, O ֆ foully killed, struck ֆ down by cimitar ֆ of the Bnecrob ֆ a black dark ֆ ungallant necromancer Lancelot ֆ eof Obmansdine.
But Շ heed Ջ a ned rupture Շ a pop pop ֎ come aghostings, wring the fine swt sacred sapp bring deo bring in joy pry enter Ջ through oer now, thy encalcate, oclt, great 1 yarrying Շ white veil winding Շ through ֆ raging yarnwinllov, then ֎ see lyedl run for the coy man.
Owy back, du he flank, then rode, rode firm.
Doing Շ O he what ֆ he did, rode ֆ back tol the ֆ great holey city ֆ holey city, in Շ rested white eared ֎ old Nalgo e ֎ u blame for itr the ֎ deed, melod look uon with ait O the evil ony death rac ed ohim king lea informed ֎ in grimm betrayl ֎ in pitx drop t uon down 43067 he ay fell for ay the foul gent who Ջ evily trit him drop, jumped, 144 to 1 round 29 called 33 sly 3967 through 28 hale 30 Bnecrob 17487 Bnecrob 100 known 33 for 144 ever oet slayer ovyr good syt, tall Շ fair George that ֆ vanishes, who o ֆ now had x ֆ e pursued hard ֆ after him then ֆ ! after so ֆ wickedly he raging ֆ raging, had magically ֆ ad turned O ֆ O'O'O Eglantine O ֆ X only little ֆ young daughter, young ֆ daughter of mighty ֆ Drake the noble ֆ old King ֆ fo of Ichyria, ֆ i Thessualt ֆ to in, black ֆ otter, to red ֆ chaffinch a mink ֆ Zapp! milk bright, ֆ milk white O ֆ white swan, he using necromancers Շ chanting ֆ using wonderful high ֎ Zygopic pwyr.
Ray pose ay eod he aex a r zealous ֎ acting castle laying breaker madly - coming nour for led in Ջ every over it har in eyre ! p dark Շ lost dungeon, rescuing ֆ her oe under ֆ nose giant of ֆ castle, Blanderon where Շ ! ֆ she a prisoner yea in ֎ dwelt.
Juxtaposition sir, edo pair oed angry tey couple, two adversaries ֆ fighting knight, going syr such a greit Ջ o peer o viy nightly 2 such Ջ so gallants Շ great and nowing ֆ nailing ungallants.
O ֆ whe saint George ֆ he George O ֆ came, came mourning ֆ mourning, upon the ֆ absence, the nothing ֆ in castle, hell ֆ ! and devil ֆ had found her ֆ found her, taken ֆ to captivity she Շ .
It ֆ came to duty ֎ duty in onor ֎ sir, find in ֎ where onecromancer to, sad island coh to haunted erery ֆ ancient land he ֆ walking imbued not withe attacking ֆ jumping wicked ghoules ֆ the ghosts of ֆ death who then buffeted him ֆ in every direction but all fir iwzor ֎ for iwzor long, long goulish ֆ deathly days, madly ֆ maudline until heaving ֆ howling mean foul Շ rolling woses evily ֆ lalling, froze O ֆ froze his robes ֆ and tosenailed ֆ O un to ֆ hard, to O it endes the in ֆ rattled mire.
Foe Շ for ֆ O O there ֎ is mulberry dances bid then, yea all blind, blind sir, O Ջ woses cop t Շ C this a Ջ a 2 c Ջ A ees e Շ t ֆ hard pangs, walking ֎ far ore rolling ֎ roll ing'd, march, hump, trail iog, round, imsole creeping ֆ creeping cross the ֆ dead land O ֆ e efelt o, oer all izor ! ֆ deathly dusk dark dais, tracing ֆ trailing ontil quietly ֆ mourning his, found ֆ his site great ֆ cowling was flame ֎ roaring eodflame floating ֎ fully pfand going ֆ round iyer to ֎ clearly set him the kicking ֆ a qworld o ֆ vision, seemed clear ֆ, now then mad ֆ maddening to him ֆ it, be quaking Շ all for his ֆ terror there e ֆ maudlin was, maudlin, ֆ maudlin there was, + was a unlovely ֆ large lake, e ֆ in, with a ֆ z seven great ֆ elagent, milk, snowy, ֆ hopeful white, very ֆ pretty swans, now ) take ֆ take ֆ quickly ֎ to England them ֎ , sail in sky ֎ !
Eae holy ֎ island star in ֆ e flap the blast! now step along ֎ along !
Along for tu quickly Շ healing rare ֆ all for a to ֆ endure to ֆ seak ֆ searching, seak, seak ֆ healing for jingl ֆ jangling they ֆ sadly ֆ had wore, wore ֆ nobly the rich ֆ lovely garb, garb, ֆ that of queenly ֆ silkclad maidens.
Railing Շ up top they hung, Maudlin ֎ x sir, in Շ agreement they all ֆ o were to Շ it ֆ up top they ֎ quaked f hoping ֎ fascolon ott restoration ֎ ol oak, O eau came, tope end, dew made inlet to unify, stringing teb forms Շ noble body made ֆ healing and putting ֆ every ghost, not Շ away ֆ but O ! ֎ to thier old ֆ bodies, puthpally fine ֎ kindly Jewess forms, ֆ English forms and Շ Estonian, but woe, ֆ woe for rarely ֆ sow the swan ֆ inrestorable swan Eglantine ֆ so that each ֆ knew was joyful ֆ gallant Eglantine in ֆ her, there robed ֆ hap was Eglantine ֆ her, no redemption ֆ no redemption.
Vaunts Շ he ֆ a swop, replaced ֎ her poed o ֎ had, had so csi of ur element ֎ that extemporaneous til person, loped ֆ altered twice before ֆ and byfore changed. ֆ Laughingly, blind all Շ scorned nature, forming ֆ her made grasping ֆ of her o ֆ ! a high ֆ mighty lark, brave ֆ lark so whistle ֆ so bold.
Yearly Շ now ֆ she T madly ֎ fly orwe o ֎ to blur finer ֎ mountains orottingdean happily
Asks so Շ but why? why? ֆ qcn first transformation ֆ was a done mulberry tree ֆ joyful tree for ֆ naming, for mocking ֆ the out ! ֆ injudiceously loud onelson ֆ o judging, judging ֆ ! of fairy ֆ r a long ֆ haughty pixe x ֆ and all enraged ֆ all on changing ֆ madly the sloping ֆ danly way all ֆ e to ! ֆ to market languished Շ er ֆ then o stayed ֎ o wex o ֎ twig o long ֎ a pucdding handed oi in ֎ there gallant came @ elying dirt so gay, englands ֎ joy sap'd along ֎ bravely we applaud for u prop then ֎ prop our incredible ֎ aving transmogrification id - and fled way ֎ .
Deer ath great Շ noble st oly ֆ oly George e Շ l ֆ tumbling to there ֎ o that sad ֆ named szpot marching from the ֆ horrible fire that ffix in ֎ pothly dungeon in ֆ form deer, he ֎ was mold ted d'gld in Շ to ֎ e moon drenched ֎ bringing rae that kopt to ֎ lapt, rip in ֆ roaring gaol cast ֆ es wall in ֎ the o hole ֆ of blanderon, hole - that O yearns 49867275560214 eirie tel great Շ mighty soldan that ֆ terrorises of a ֆ eil Persia en Շ unspeakable ֆ and 1 redoubtable ֎ unjust law, law ֎ entertaindbe blanderonr when leiptee away Ջ for ix long a foul ֎ drawn law, law ֆ thats known ofen as a + type whitehall.
O he did z onter ֎ did lie o ֎ lieo ead so ֆ to sham each t person, sir! Shamed was he Շ roped the desperate ֆ wandring saint unto Շ his ֆ hands o for ֎ rarely brilling I ness, roughly binds dreadful ever lying o lying ֎ o weasel and ֎ weasel yet o still, still shop grimly oed George by innocent ֆ wily Agmidor, king, ֆ treacherous king, king of all the evil, ֆ natured moors, all ֆ slyly bzcase saint George raging O bravely ֆ heroically O exhale ֎ o gasp, the ֎ dragon magi summoned, dyd harshly sver prying king's horrible Շ firey draggons limbs ֆ and bunes, bunes Շ and ֆ limbs e as ֎ resting ildyl e oh the lynne at which lay Շ poor sebbra the ֆ oriental princess of ֆ cockaigne, of silcea ֆ ruling Aegypt.
Now Շ then ֆ 1 ter her ֎ oheap chamberlin caught ֎ y peto George tel the drt for all ever Շ after under then ֆ to the mournful ֆ insurpassable Eglantine tree, ֆ living bush, soul ֆ en deer now ֆ uor George comes, ֆ now, leid wildly ֆ sighing for rest ֆ for to rest ֆ cheery rest.
In Շ sigh ֆ to r sight ֎ hear gallop madly gallop now canter oer horizon, horizon peep to ֎ make pendragon so ֎ the stallion o ֆ George se e go! Jumping whe healing fnind in dew change Ջ r, veri tried sweete couple a'go full far, far to the ֎ place lie eth ֎ now, near o, ty insipid crek once of entertaining 10 cities Ջ to den, marching roe, o dohn go, dump rite op now ֎ enter ter garden ֎ of pudding great bush, then hew down, down then cam each Ջ king or vile hills, incredibly t'leap down or land r Arthur ֎ then or dying ֎ bright flare back to make weur Eglantine greet, bring cap, carrying Ջ a ore o briar, brine bad loping danse and o run ֆ run, o run ֆ over, o to ֎ such t a ֎ brite gaudy old forest, then owy, restless, fetch bravely are thinking Ջ mangy cur, yoked with in great enchanted golden peer pip.
Bring ֎ O jouissancxe and ֎ nightly burning irish bells, up weve trough ye through lalage round Ջ and ore through back under, Hump, hump it, going up now ֎ nest Nalbin then ֎ fast, galley throug back, back owy o to vast Շ hopeless plane all ֆ going eof where ֆ to Maidenhead, known ֆ its weir all ֆ the grasseis rarely ֆ somtimes gror o Շ there Ջ hanging o gardens ֆ all extemporaneousness wor pair glum a weates thee o the ֎ pretty bbush having ֆ under and sheltered ֎ our piet right saint, he wokp then to be alert, now Ջ thee e enter of un thibeapros ending laded you withe sweet ֎ holy vine, mighty goodes all so healing ֆ under h'p sailing to laughing be then healed, do fling it gladlie all ter waiting ֎ ranishly bert o ֎ f ofe o ֆ in the poor ֆ sad grimm noble pair, then oiyr near polymorphes o gin to Ջ then, o under Ջ dying oer each restore their natural fine forms o 1 seething ֎ sailing magic and ֎ a one lieth ֆ being back so ֆ having dare then to re robe laying them to salipsbury and angle then dials to back o poet o ֎ add, add railing ֎ o fully ending to each ef each that will Շ mighty, richly ֆ hewed.
Sacred ancient ֆ eternal library o Շ it Ջ ix T owrs ֆ all ix ever ours to pose sagely, no intelligence Z give ֎ injudiciously.
R a ֎ song Ջ sung for, sang ef the greet needful, rageful ֎ ages banco calling home, the home dreadful ֆ scourges takeh raging home stand op ever ֎ to tep peaceful ֎ victorious load it is through wrue hateful soul gan teaormandine ֆ echoes blind silkly tor echoes o from Ջ watered dell see dread descend r falling ֎ echoes kit sometimes ֎ to err their goes lalloping owy falling bach John s’he couring ֆ couthly can o ֆ gently serve o ֆ with his ice ֆ wit pennance ever for watching ore all his future sins entering ֆ dunne Շ dale ir ineluctably ֎ marching yet, rolling ֎ down ormandineuk rolling Շ wild sdaes charging.
Stir, stir rim stir to o ֎ indescribable vile black ֆ foul rage and ֆ rage not less ֆ than ye darke base and blue nature under this O he ֎ will lag gauging ֎ up Stafford slab stone for sout ing kalyr then too young Ջ and be free, free safely ryd all of her o nefarious ֎ anethamatic influencce and ֎ lo oh o Ջ o porr freedom toew free ebe to free dome, cop do Ջ then be though ay a dunne foul daler in err now ֎ so nepfarioslie in ֎ all amid ealing poor down okit sad fouke and gin to Ջ sadly ar may sewte, o, o, o Ջ now runs ther till day o met ֎ natures monk he ֎ had c’t sin towe be wure and st lie be incredibly Ջ repentence too that mare riding pioos eloping ֆ sadly clad now ant and for going ֎ back r, r mare of pity, great yin and got lain absolution, e lest it ay has, o to ֎ long bad mangy ֎ inedible pudding then baye for sirt o Tim, now deter reur Ջ ev e s, vile rank sad, dread sins, going p absolution ֎ o lot o ֎ saintly monk and haye to surr repent, heedt dying allage up head, no liberty e towe burns, o until ֎ slowly lush he ֎ then holye repented ֆ it end it oaf fine ewh all thinges o yarnwindle to ֆ have end Es.
Saver now life, his, he since cop all Ջ to tol be defender that glad o lye ter cop safe, Ջ cop tol to tad so adapt tuiet life. Rarely o does ֎ can tan know o he r uncourupted knighte and ef he gode un yet to Ջ being roe, and braive o laddie then he sailing up then ֎ o blanderon fought ֎ r set went awaye now seze it all it 1000 o stwels O Malik can take then r England ֎ e to Sandy got full mania for bet England reck he, ode landing, yet tring Ջ all ore strife, St Mark lest does haye now or come ֎ o come with + poor pallid brave ֎ tired men and all, all heri as theire olting cam now Ջ for reo and cam now yarnwindlem o glumoh with r salvation ֎ .
King ace pump ֎ ring brplayed have ֆ safel iae now hid.
O oyri now giant battle yet rages Ջ in ore in saint is numb now walkes rages P come ֎ ring alarm run ֎ e lows e badly now, okit hath heare in or peril Ջ o coy, coy callinge and afar bringes dangere and mort everywhere ֎ going add madly enge, bring gez with lot all ix now cursed e black go here away.
51401 mad 82 we 30 A 900 years 200 centuries 5 hours 88 days 19 brings 65303 and 8 o 30 now 12 i 250 cs 0 hand 64 so now + to ֎ knightly, vri knightly ֎ to top look oer sight ohwr nour gresht plain.
Hump right Ջ see tep end skye quale flame, the peak all to hide ֎ e aft.
Cock ֎ Dee set before, see now oyri that’s befor gaze do in Ջ lights b dusk al evil 64 kinges armies, singing 49453, no ieed e teey for shed, now Ascalon on Ջ horse or comes for help Mir, quiet o or ֎ d Lang sad ֎ trailing ages, maun ֆ hear damn tales redt e teey en all up Ascalon now * go or to they where tu z keepe of 1 intelligible ֎ and so see ֎ violence oc enormous peace and for death whaie many t queer Ջ strange joys where fraylye graze grasxser in lande !
E wanders ֎ now t to Ջ oneday net, that ֎ waits owr libertye ֆ o freedomem & & for & & bute and suot then ite doth end queer Ջ strong ewr tall knighte what almost o vanishes, ever to each ֎ British pangs frying ֎ all ofe joys ֆ of angry power mobs.
O stir let’s owy now, to hike ֎ hack nowhere specific Ջ land ably queerly lost to inky black dark trees 1 ever ֎ maun r gone ֎ this abyss where + burning char o for torture gote each times and or and Ջ quickly yet having worse walks demiurge having owse here up o ֎ no imbued look ֎ not awful foul strength, see Eva not manifest mourn.
Ix fear Ջ be alert, powers raging, knightly angel now punishing each ter interloper ֎ ! Extracate yourself + and ovis, ovis ֎ this as Klinging all and wirz have evil and yet o Ջ will deter not all death.
10 hat 12 and 94853 incredible vengence vengence orf the demiurge through Skye now Ջ jump tep away, sendes all mean and calde air ret has ֎ o poor frezing ֎ evil flaq, where en veils weur now blowes so be ware Ջ of oal o on thes gets tall frozen hill tooo danger ֎ , to skifkol woses ֎ long makes any and with owwt all that now ix at Ջ all hly so become fairly paid all withe hope O dashed ֎ to red ! ֎ lying musk kye rot vir wurt lye eates with awl and Ջ awl T now findes so O madness Ջ reaches body having ante all air cold and moaning.
1 every ֎ crack gal each ֎ one na quickly care for oyir Adam rite carry, flank, enter Ջ j or what renn early dunne flowers not licentious Ov ! ֎ drifting sadly hero ֎ prithee deft no fulle ! eixe read joys space yet subst Ջ ring gog x withe provost mad sifting anger spoke e now ֎ made fouly gastly + extracting dune a ֎ invisible set ! downe street woso with to dreams ind cannot Ջ prepare ore vileness.
Ending fawn moiety not fardel tope on ֎ each slow por ֎ now messenger hands of rich ohwr dost death house.
Hermia times speed two tall * dull to ti body worse lay.
54003 every 30 to 57 there 1000 death 22 everyman 68 zedly 124001 hurting 51 sooth 30 lucan 56 sons 500 caught 124 lord 78 themselves 29 gone 6 by 27997 vast 30 hear 26 rolling 500 hotly 64 Neruda 92 in command 72 tranio 44001 cuckhold 22 thine 30 under 500 Belmont 103 that 60 God 27 O 119999 Xent 30 ending 22 forbid 500 in 177 plates 48 with 227999 honest 71 present 30 yet 13 Orlando 1000 hold 102 falconbridge 23 a 29 him 36 pages 77997 said 30 ring 121 you 1000 still 6 dent 74 kings 253999 love 98 mart 30 Neapolitan 34 if 1000 young 1626 you 107 badly 29 sir 51 nun 17999 a 30 enter 24 but 1000 catch 38 Pompey 22 joyful 202 verges 38 both 84 things 59 duke 264 quiet 90 come 43 enters 270 hel 52 page 252 but 232 it 22 allowed 44 it 156 Rosalind 224 liked 68 nothing 27 what 248 no 47 by 24 now 204 am 27 rolled 60 fear 22 duke 240 duke 98 shy 63 mistress 29 red 116 I 82 quaked 134 kind 50 born 29 O 38 one 46 felt 52 cannot 58 now 232 I’ll 82 mat 88 marched 268 now 38 ample 24 cary 17 laun 204
All 33 the Knaves in all the graves Rattle when I pass, but don't heed the tales of coffin nails and know the truth instead!
When priests are more in word than matter.
When brewers mar their malt with water.
When nobles are their tailors tutors.
When evr'y case in law is right.
No heretics burn'd but wenches suitors.
No squire in debt nor no poor knight.
When slanders do not live on tongues
Nor cut purses come not to thrones.
When usurers tell their gold i'ye field.
And bawds and whores do churches build.
Then shall the realm of Albion come to much confusion.
When Merlins Oak shall tumble down, then old Camarthen shall be drowned.
If it rains on St Swithins day then it shall rain every day for a hundred days.
Seven and ten added to nine.
Of Francia be woe this is the sign.
Thames river twice frozen, walked without socks nor shoes.
Then cometh forth I understand, from town of Stuff to fatted London, a hardy cheiftain woe the morn to Francia that ever was he bourne.
Then shall the fish bowl his boat nor shall grinberries make up the less.
Young Symnel shall again miscarry and Norways pride again shall marry a yam from the tree where blossoms ripe fruit shall come and all is well.
Realms shall dance hand in hand and it shall be merry in old England.
Then old England shall be no more and no man shall be sorry therefore Geryon shall have the hedges again.
My dear Mary-Anne hurt her finger and David the servant's very ill. The babies crying in it's cradle and the cat is scratching Joni bach.
Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tân sosban fawr yn berwi ar y llawr. A'r gath wedi sgramo Joni bach.
Dai bach the soldier. Dai bach the soldier. Dai bach the soldier. With his shirt tail hanging out.
Mae bys Meri-Ann wedi gwella a Dafydd y gwas yn ei fedd. Mae'r baban yn y crud wedi tyfu, a'r gath wedi huno mewn hedd.
The little Saucepan's boiling on the fire. The big saucepan is boiling on the floor and cat is resting in peace
Purple bearing, Lo! I grow in the fields with hairy stalks like an oyster with the red eye. Purple blood I bleed.
I do not want to take from the trappings of life, nor will my gentle juices rob him of sanity but nevertheless madness of the heart shakes him, while derranged he whirls his arms in circles.
See you the ferny ride that steals into the oakwoods far?
Oh that was whence they hewed the keels that rolled to Trafalgar.
Mark you where the ivy clings to bayharns mouldering walls. Oh there were cast the stout railings that stood around Saint Pauls.
See you the dimpled track that runs all hollow through the wheat, Oh that was where they hauled the guns that smote king Phillips fleet.
See you our little mill that clacks so busy by the brook! She has ground her corn and paid her tax since the domesday book.
See you our stilly woods of oak and that dread ditch beside?
Oh that was where the Saxons broke on the day that Harold died.
See you the windy levels spread about the gates of rye, Oh that was where Vortigern fled when Uthers ships came by.
See you our pastures wide and lone where red oxen brows, Oh there was a city thronged and known ere London had a house.
See you after rain, the trace of mound and ditch and wall, Oh there was a legions camping place when Brutus sailed from Gaul.
See you the marks that show and fade like shadows on the downs?
Oh they are the lines the flint men made to guard their wonderous towns.
Trackway, camp and city lost, salt marsh where now is corn. Old wars, old peace, old wars that cease and so was England born.
You see not any common earth, water wood or air, but that of Merlins Gramarye.
When the tower of Babel was destroyed and the people scattered, Magus son of Ashkenaz son of Gomer son of Japeth was sent to what is now the South of France to rule the western parts of Europe.
His son Sarren who ruled after him was a great magician and his son Draos was an even greater magician.
Draos had a cat brought from Egypt as a familliar but the more powerful Draos became the larger the cat grew, until one night the cat grew so big so quickly it was able to eat Draos alive.
Draos had a son named Barrus who was a poet and a musician as well as the first of the great European kings and who rejected all magic.
He had a son named Hessit who was the first person to reach Britain, he found it inhabited by Nephilim who had survived the flood. Despite of this he settled there but was soon destroyed by them.
Epitaph of Hessit.
In the dust I was born. In life I asked what wisdom did our fathers know when they first were scattered? What did it profit them and why did they forget? Then my Kingdom was turned to dust by the rising waters. Now dust is what I know and in dust I will reign forever.
Words of Nalbin Son of Hessit.
Will I ever see the city again?
One day I will be lost in the sea and not a soul will weep.
My stick is made of thorns, my bed is stones and moss. My cloak is torn and ragged, my shoes are full of holes. The people sing of love and care but I can never find none.
I don't have tears and I don't know laughter. A wandering king without a Kingdom. A city I built with my own hands, I dug a river but got no thanks, ten armies I fought and I defeated nine.
Now I must plough the hard and barren soil. An outcast labourer, all day I must toil and sweat.
My people are slaves to unseen masters, the land is rent and poisoned.
The bitter taste that will not go, the aching bones that must know no rest. I called for a pile of salt and licked it until my throat was raw. Everywhere I go I am mocked by fools and spat at for caring so little.
Corrinius's Hunt
Shining in the sunlight see them coming out of the dark forest, hear them roar closer and louder. With echoing horns forward they charge. In the dust rising is written the words, That is Corrinius's wild hunt.
Roaming through the dark woodlands, chasing from hill to mountain. See, they lie in ambush at night, the horn sounds, the spears fly, the sons and daughters of Bergion are fallen.
On the Island where the yellow apples glow, Hebes thought that he was safe, But coming through the thunderstorm swimming through the koriyne and up the banks was Corrinius and his wild hunt.
Hear the battle raging across the valleys, hear the clubs strike home!
The spark of hope is caught and it blazes hot in bloody flames.
Under the weight of inumerable foes death twists the face of many a warrior, but brave hearts do not tremble. Don't weep for the dead they died in this wild hunt for tyrants, the land is free and tommorow is won, even if we only won it by dying!
It was in the time when Amaery son of Anethon, son of Daten, son of Manery, son of Breg, son of Nalbin, son of Hessit, son of Barrus, son of Draos, son of Sarren, son of Magus, son of Gomer, son of Japeth, son of Noah, son of Lamech, son of Mathusala, son of Enoch, son of Jared, son of Maleleel, son of Cainan, son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam was king of the Labinii.
He was encamped outside the the town of Bergionsi, when serveral of his barons went to his tent with their greivances. They knelt before him and made their complaints one by one, but instead of answering them he just laid out a pack of cards and shuffled them around, consequently Gutheary earl of Yegon became enraged and stormed out.
Afterwards Gutheary, some other noblemen and their men seized Amaery and dragged him back to his tent and tied him to his throne.
They said to him "Why did you not answer us, and instead by play cards?"
"If you want the reason listen and you shall hear!" said King Amaery.
If you can't explain yourself you will be tortured like no one has been tortured before and beaten to death they said.
"Listen and you shall hear" said Amaery; "I have been a ruler of men for six years. I have gained not gold nor silver for my troubles, few allies and few friends have I made. Our neighbours want our lands and you wanted me dead when you came in, I saw it on your faces as you entered.
When I see the Ace, it reminds me that I have only one neck to lose, the deuce reminds me that my kingdom is divided into two parts: the upper that can't abide the humble and the lower that can't abide the prosperous when I see the trey, I think of the Gogites, and the Bergionites who have terrorised our land since our ancestors arrived here.
And when I see the four, I think of the four parts my father was cut in to by the king of the Nephillim.
when I see the five, it reminds me of the five curses on my house which are to be wiped from annals of time and records of history, exile from heaven, mental unrest, and instant death on departure from Albion.
When I see the six, it reminds me of the six gardens of my fathers palace all but one, the garden of daisies overtaken by blight.
when I see the seven, it reminds me of the seven palaces that I have built of colours and designs unrivaled on earth.
when I see the eight, I think of the number of parts the king of the nephillim was cut in to, along with his turncoats.
when I see the nine, I think of my nine fields each of which were barren wilderness but now thanks to my art feed thousands:
One with apple trees that blossom in midwinter and bear fruit before spring, one where cabbages grow tall as oaks, one where herds of fish graze on green grass and are hunted by wild boar, one where nine hundred black stalks grow cups of syrup, coins of marzipan, swords that hunt deer on their own and beating ox hearts, one where cows breath fire and have horns coated in bronze that are sharp and barbed, where each one is ten foot tall, has hide as tough as granite and can run forever but is trapped forever inside forty acres, one where anything can grow in a week but will die in a day. One where trotters and tongues grow on bushes, one that has trees that bear fruit in the shape of tortured faces all year round, one where brassicas grow with flowers in many colours, that are used as herbs, who's leaves give strength but who's venomous buds will bite with deadly fangs, the seeds of which are used as arrow heads, the that sometimes grow feathers, sometimes become white geese, sometimes grow bread and honey, sometimes baubles and bells.
When I see the ten, I think of the ten great victories I will win if you don't kill me. When I see the Visier, I think of my loyal generals that will avenge me if it costs them their lives. When I see the Arch-Visier, it reminds me that each person is born with a class, rank and suit and one cannot substitute one for another. When I count the number of spots in a deck of cards I find the number of battles I have fought and must fight. There are as many cards as the number of tons that I must carry on my back. There are four suits, the number of the branches of the house of Daten that will remain if I die.
There are eight picture cards, the number of generations my curse on them will last if I am killed.
Then Gutheary and his accomplices became terrified and fled.
Amaery went on to win ten great victories so his lands increased to cover a quarter of Britain.
His cousin Cadero son of Gyfano son of Daten, who had been defeated by him in battle and lost more than half his kingdom and his ally Klu son of Arianrod son of Datan, were jealous and planned to kill him and take his lands.
They knew they could not beat him in battle so they sent an assasain to kill him, but the assasian could only find Amaery alone at night, he always slept outside, in one of seven identical tents on a great spinning platform. in the six tents where he did not sleep, instead slept vicious madmen dressed just like him. When Amaery went to sleep the platform was span around and around so no one knew where to find him. The assasin entered the wrong tent and was torn to pieces.
Cadero and Klu then tried to poison him with a rose but he always went with a servant who smelt and tasted anything before he did who died instead, that servant was Caderos uncle Krath.
They arranged to have a feast in his honour, they invited every king in the land so suspicion would not fall on them. They made a cake in a chequerboard fashion the black sqaures were fine but the white squares were poisoned for they knew Amaery always played white. At the feast the cake was passed around Cadero ate a black square, Klu ate a black sqaure, then they brought the cake to Amaery who picked a white square thinking it was safe to eat without being tested because his cousins had already eaten some of the cake. The cake was passed around half the room and ten peoople died before the poison could work on Amaery.
Klu was filled with guilt and when he returned to his palace he scraped the pattern off his chequerboardm but from then on he would always ask his guests to play, even though it was not possible.
This is the account of Haigha son of Grippa son of Rodmun son of Trigil, son of Tintinon son of Casser son of Langobardus son of Armenon son of Alan son of Samontheis, son of Japeth
It was when I and my companions, my uncle Rodmunt son of Rodmun and Hatta son of Sigulf, son of Sibald, son of Sigger, son of Brond, son of Beldeg, son of Saxo, son of Negue, son of Alan were travelling the land of Albion.
At the top of a hill we saw at either side of the valley about a mile apart two great houses, the right one made of flint and chalk and the left one made out of red clay. Not being able to decide which to visit myself and Hatta went to the one on the right and Rodmunt to the left. We were welcomed when we got near, both of us knew some Sarric and some of the inhabitants of the fort knew some Alanic. The head of the house was called Klu, and his wife was called Gil, his companions were Dee, Mannadon, Eudos, Mikem, Bellus, Dummon, Brid, Adalhaidis, Teget, Kulvero, Ardis and Jak.
He was waiting for the arrival of several tribes and armies for the annual contest of hen racing.
We had not been there long when Adalhaidis (whose mother was Alanic) was handed a boars head on a plate while walking in the fields. This was a sign of war from the owner of the other house who was called Cadero, the cousin of Klu.
A man was found approaching the house ready for war but he was killed by Mikem who was in turn killed by Rodmunt who had it seems joined forces with Cadero.
Rodmunt was captured and sent away in disgrace by Bellus who had been sent to scout out the enemy along with Culvero and Ardis, but he told us that they had both been killed by a wild dwarf sent by Cadero.
This dwarf was chased away by Mannadon.
The house was broken in to and Jak was murdered but the murderer was himself killed by Dee.
I was left to keep watch, I came face to face with another wild dwarf, who was rushed and killed by Brid who stood beside me. But I saw him go down, killed by yet another dwarf.
Mannodon brought news that he had entered the house of Cadero coming face to face with him, killing a dwarf before narrowly escaping.
Klu and his forces continued the attack sending Cadero into dissaray, until Cadero was taken prisoner by Teget.
However during the fighting all from our group left were Myself Adalhaidis, Hatta, Gil, Teget and Dee and the only surivors of Klu's companions was a foreign mercenary who was executed, a dwarf who was spared and an arab who escaped.
Habun son of Hethen son of Gafawo son of Datan travelled to Ireland to attend the wedding of his daughter. When he arrived from Ireland he arrived in Ulnazci. In the town he met his servant Ennan. "I've got some bad news for you" he said, "I'm afraid your favourite dog's dead." "How did it happen?" asked Habun. "Your best ox kicked him in the head my lord" said the servant. "How could this happen? They got on so well, they were such good friends." "It was when the stables were burning down my lord, a beam crashed down and killed the ox, he kicked out and killed the dog." At this Habun was much agrieved, "How did the stables burn down?" he asked. We think it was a spark from the house that caused it. "You mean the house has burnt down!" he asked? "Yes my lord, they think it was caused by a candle from off her ladyships coffin." "My life Ennan is there any good news?" "Yes my lord, the heat from the fire warmed the ground and the daffodils are out three weeks early."
The story of Gamlon son of Leddy son of Gideon son of Datan.
At the time the land was terrorised by a great serpent called Terror.
He demmanded milk, sheep, cows and slaves (who he would often eat) from the people of Britain.
He would hunt travellers on the road and destroy buildings for sport.
He spent most his time in idleness being served by the desperate people.
Gamlon gathered together an army to defeat it, but many of the soldiers were secretly bandits.
As they were travelling those soldiers who were bandits blew their horns, bringing more bandits who were waiting the bushes. In the fight Gamlon killed Gruberic the chief of the bandits, but he was left with only twenty men, the rest were either bandits, had ran away or had been killed or injured.
When they reached the place were the serpent was they walked very slowly over the brow of the hill, blowing their horns, beating their drums and flapping their coats.
The serpent who had got complacent because it was not used to being attacked, thought because of all the noise and the soldiers slow movement that there were hundreds of them, it panicked and fled, so they chased it while making as much noise as possible until it reached a cliff.
Then Gamlons men threw their spears and the serpent cried out in pain and misery and flung itself off the cliff and was dashed to pieces on the rocks below.
Gamlon knew he could not return the way he had before because he had killed the leader of the bandits and they would be watching out for him. So he had to take a different route where there were more bandits but who were less organised.
He knew they would target him and the richest of his company, so he decided that instead of the most important people travelling at the front as was normal, everyone would travel in a mixed order.
He first lined up his company in order of rank.
The fifth most important he put at the rear, then ahead of him the twelfth, the ninth the fourteenth the eleventh, the eighth, the sixteenth, the seventh the nineteenth, the third, the seventeenth, the second, the fifteenth, the tenth the sixth, the thirteenth the fourth,the eighteenth, then himself and in front, the twentieth.
They were ambushed by bandits on the way back but when they realised they did not know who was who they were confounded and fled because they could not capture all of them.
So from that day on at his table that is the order that his courtiers would sit and the order they would travel, and he was much admired for his sense of egalitarianism.
Oh Mikem son of Nicken son of klefi son of Beamar son of Manogen son of Labin son of Nalbin, you have wronged me!
Who are you, and how have I wronged you?
I am Winurgil son of Hint son of Dimcrash son of Didu son of Moss son of Priam, son of Troy son of Dardus Caucus son of Togmaret son of Gomer son of Japeth.
You have taken from me Disgen my slave.
How do you intend to avenge the loss?
I will run you through with twenty bronze spikes!
How will you get past my guard?
With my army of ninety.
They will not get past my army of ninety-nine.
They are giants to a man.
but they will not get past my walls which are ninety yards tall and thirty yards thick.
My miners will get under them and make them fall.
My giant armoured mole will eat all of your miners.
My giant fighting ferret will eat your giant mole.
My hundred tamed badgers will eat your giant ferret.
My thousand tamed snakes will eat your badgers and you as well.
Lo! I am Edt son of Etle son of Ratle son of Manaery, I have been inside this bush all the time and because of your foolish boasting I will have you both killed.
Disgen call my army of ninety giants, and my miners and my giant rat and my thousand snakes. And call upon them to grind this man to a pulp.
Disgen call my army of ninety-nine and my giant mole and my hundred badgers to tear him to shreds.
Then Disgen blew his horn and Edt fled in to the countryside, while Mikem and Winurgil went to draw lots instead.
Good King Cole he called for his Bowl, and he called for Fidler's three.
So there was a Fiddle Fiddle, and twice a Fiddle Fiddle, and thrice a Fiddle Fiddle.
Good King Cole he called for his platter, and he called for his Jugglers three.
So there was a juggle, juggle, and twice a juggle juggle, and thrice a juggle juggle.
For it was my Lady's Birth-day, therefore we keep holy-day and come to be merry.
I saw the people line the streets as the kings funeral procession passed.
Full of grief, I wandered in to the hills above, I watched the city from a distance.
I saw a ship made of ebony with white sails floating through the sky, away from the city towards the sun, with a black banner raised at half mast, it was accompanied by six dark giants with spears and shields marching grimly behind through the air.
Further off I saw a great figure made of clouds striding towards me, sometimes leaping and stumbling with haste. As he got nearer he slowly dissolved in to a thick white mist that hung above the city.
In this mist I saw shadows of men with the legs of goats, with swords charging forwards but the faster they charged the slower they went, they flew a banner that said HADES.
Suddenly they stopped, in to view came a white dragon and a red dragon, who were fighting to the death.
On the red dragon was written WAR, on the white dragon was written LOVE. From the white dragon's wounds came water and oil, from the Red dragon's wounds came blood and tar.
I heard a voice cry out from the city and the white dragon roared with pain and fell to the ground for a moment and came up again torn and broken.
I heard another voice cry out from the city and the red dragon screamed and a great deal of horrible matter poured out of it's wounds, eyes and mouth.
The two dragons shrank to the size of eagles and flew far away, the watching horde moved forward again.
The people of the city cried "who will save us?"
Then from under the palace rose a green dragon called Falak. With it's tail and it's jaws it tore the city to rubble, I saw the people fleeing the destruction, but it breathed fire from it's nostrils, Every living thing the fire touched turned to stone.
When the city was destroyed the forces of Hades dispersed saying "There is nothing left to conquer!"
Then the Dragon flew to where I was and it said to me "Everything you have seen will happen, every person on the cities plain on this side of this ridge at the time of the calamity will be turned to stone."
Everything became dark, I saw a king on a golden throne in the sky, he pointed down to the city and said, "I see a worthless people."
"They don't know of God, they do not care for loyalty, they bow to the whims of tyrants, they gather readily for war but when they are tested they scatter to the winds.
Their craft and knowledge is small to match their ambition.
I am a conquerer I will subdue and rule these people. I will send an army to defeat them!"
I saw a grey army come from the sky and sweep over the land. The king said "I shall rule for a while then when I go they shall be conquered by other nations because they will be divided and scared to resist."
"But I will send down servants to teach them, their names shall be Sinwer, Arthur, Modred and Merlin and they will tell the people about me."
I saw a wave of fire and darkness cover the land .
I went to the new king and his advisors and told them what I had seen, but they said I was mad and drove me out.
I climbed the palace wall and sat on a high window ledge too see what was being said.
Said Grekos the carpenter Lord of Rabak "I work but people refuse to pay and there is nothing I can do."
Said Oness the piper Lord of Gonta, "I am asked to play at immoral parties too often, when I stop playing and leave I am harrased and beaten up."
Said Ryden the mason lord of Pennal "I am made to fix too many mistakes by bad workmen!"
Said Fyfal the merchant, "There are too many bandits on the roads."
Said Tytil the soldier, "Our forces too disorganised and fragmented to control and defend a country the size of ours."
"Good people", said the new king who was Ameawa son of Onwen son o in f Dunbun son of Guthen son Dawion son of Aflak son of Ludlaw son of Beamar son of Manogen son of Labin son of Nalbin.
I have listened to your problems with sadness, I shall deliberate and I shall tell you how they shall be resolved tomorrow.
The next day he did not come but went away.
When he came back he shut himself away from everyone apart from his friends, when the lords knocked on his door he grew angry.
"You dogs drag a man out of his bed. Can I get a moments peace anywhere?"
The lords were escorted by armed men to the court and Ameawa delivered his judgement.
"Grekos and Ryden I know you are swindlers and idiots, I will cut out your tongues so I won't have to listen to you!"
"Oness you are a prude and your piping is not at all modern, Learn to keep up with the times or I will kill you!"
"Tytil you are only a soldier it is your job to fight not to think."
"Fyfal you are far too selfish, leave and don't come back!"
This is how Ameawa ruled.
If someone wanted their neighbour killed all they had to do was visit Ameawa with some cattle or gold silver or cloth as a gift and too tell him that their neighbour was a traitor and the next day their neighbour would be dead.
It was said on the streets that he would belive anything as long as it was a lie. He imported many expensive foreign wines and scorned to drink with those below him. He was a weak man but he was vicious when he could use his power.
A crowd of whores always follwed him through the streets.
I stood outside the gates and I shouted.
Most of you have accepted our disasterous leaders and will die like flies drawn to honey too short sighted to aspire to anything better. If you still have guts in your frame you must still desire to do something better than cower. Some of you people are honest, humble and kind, others of you are greedy proud and cruel. I intend to divide one from the other.
The corrupt lords dispared of me and said "Say something else we do not want to know."
So I said instead, "The snakes are pouring through the streams beneath our feet and are eating the cockerell, the boar are dancing around in the pasture, the cows are being driven in to the mire up to their flanks, the robins are nesting in the pot, the dog is asleep in the oven, There is a Green dragon called Aflak resting beneath my feet, who is trimming his nails waiting to kill you all!"
Some listened to me and asked what they should do.
I said tell everyone what I preached to begin with, then if they do not listen disguise your words so they do not understand but may guess if they are fair minded and curious and when you are told to go, shake the dust from your feet and go then do not return until they are dead.
Afterwards until the city is restored do not cut your hair or trim your beards, never get angry, never interput a story or song. If someone is hungry then give them what food you have, Only take shelter when you must. Do not throw away a torn garment or shoe but repair it if you can, if it is beyond use, keep it to repair your new one with. Only kill what you will eat, only harm a plant if you intend you use it, if you see a trapped animal free it. Do not own more than you need, and do not fear death. Only marry once, unless you are widowed then you can only marry another widow.
After a while to my amusment the king came and asked me if I could help him.
I was invited to arrive at his rooms at dusk but instead I came at dawn.
He told me to take some wine with him but I refused.
He said he wanted me to preach to the city about his greatness.
I said nothing so he offered me his wine which I refused for the second time.
He said I ought to bring my followers to one of his parties, but I said no.
He said I could have anything I wanted if I swore allegiance to him.
He poured a cup of wine for me but I did not touch it.
He said we could be friends and I should meet his advisors, I said nothing.
I was dragged out by the ears, thrown in to the gutter and beaten.
After six months I was thrown in to the dungeon.
After six years anyone who even talked of me was exiled on pain of death.
The week after that declaration was made a crack appeared in the floor of the palace.
Every day it grew larger, until I shouted to the jailers I knew what it was.
I was bought before the king and I said, "Dragoies arkanyip akangog dien bilance Izi gathain enteduy lunha sen Jeghat ceyon Valgeputin pakend ouleurg run logodan Halotamher theil citaquis tegributon usuduyt Raudewhero latajack perdidin Paras walisemas Vembiz edid Marydore zintoezo hiphilayoz lisondelaems lilwenim."
Then I said "stand above the crack and you will see the dragon below when I call it to appear.
The king stood above the crack and I cried out "Save me Aflak I beg you".
The ground shook, the crack opened and swallowed Ameawa up and a section of wall near my back fell down and I walked out.
Beside me walked Bridem the fool and the great black hound Kronduke who since the old Kings death was only tame to him.
As we climed the hill we heard the city fall behind us, Briden did not stop when he reached the top of thw hill but I was tired and full of grief and so was Kronduke so we stopped.
With despair I lay down with my back to a fallen tree away from the city, and kroduke whining in misery and terror lay down beside me.
I turned to see the destruction but I saw nothing because I had turned to stone.
The instant I turned in to stone the dog became human and naked ran after the fool.
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Brutus son of Brigus son of Brath son of Dagus son of Dreg son of Deag son of Archhad son of Allad son of Nuadhad son of Henal son of Febric son of Aganfion
son of Deales son of Heber son of Sruth son of Sohod son of Asruth son of Godel son of Neolus son of Riphath son of Gomer son of Japeth son of Noah, son of Lamech son of Mathusala son of Enoch son of Jared son of Maleleel, son of Cainan, son of Enos son of Seth son of Adam,
arrived in Britain with his people at around the time Moses led the Israelites through the desert. He sailed around the coast and up the Thames and founded the city of London as a base.
He conqured most the people of Britain, when he died he divided the country between his sons. The south and the east he gave to Lorrinius, the north to Albanactus and the west to Kamber.
Not long after, Humber king of the huns arrived in the Lands of Albanactus.
Lorrinius at hearing this news joined by his brother Kamber, and with the whole strength their kingdoms went to meet him
near the river now named eponymously named Humber, where they pursued along it
they captured half of his ships one of those inside them was the daughter of a king in Germany called Estrildis.
Lorrinius wanted to marry her, which angered Kamber because he was already engaged to his niece named Gwendolin and he insisted he marry her as promised. But Lorrinius after marrying Gwendolin would secretly meet Estrildis.
When Kamber died, Lorrinius divorced Gwendolin, and married Estrildis making her queen instead. Gwendoloen went to the lands of Kamber where she gained support from most the people there, supported by them she declared war against Lorrinius.
Both of their armies met in battle near the river Sture, where Lorrinius was killed.
After his death, Gwendolin took over his kingdom. She was succeded by her son Maddan, when he died his kindgom was split between his sons Memphricus and Malin.
Memphricus was succeded by Ebacus who was succeded by Brutus Greenshield who was succeded by Leil who was succeded by Rud who was succeded
by Bladud who was succeded by Lear. Lear had no living sons but three daughters Goneril, Reagean and Cordella. Goneril married the duke of Cornwall, Reagean the duke of Albany and Cordelia the king of Auvergne. When Lear became old he decided to split his kingdom between his daughters when he died but Reagan and Goneril conspired to posion his mind about Cordella by telling lies about her, they succeded and Le ar disowned and disinherited her.
Lears two British sons in law soon deposed him, hearing this the King of Auvergne husband of Cordelia lead an army to restore him to the throne, they were defeated and Cordelia was captured but the duke of Cornwall was captured and executed but in the chaos Lear fled his palace where he was kept prisoner. Not long after Goneril poisoned both the duke of Albany and Reagean so she could take their kingdom but she was seen by some servants so she was put to death. King lear died soon after of heartbreak.
Afterwards Britain fell in to a state of anarchy. a great number of people became magicians and awoke many evil spirits.
Great mists would descend on the Island and the people cheifly devoted themselves to war.
Ghosts and apparitions of all kinds were often seen. . Met the King and the Queen and the company more,
came a riding behind and a walking before.
Come a stark naked drummer, a-beating a drum
with his heels in his bosom come marching along . Let rogues and cheats prognosticate
concerning king's or kingdom's fate. I think myself to be as wise
As he that gazeth on the skies
my sight goes beyond
the depth of a pond
or rivers in the greatest rain,
whereby I can tell
that all will be well
when the King enjoys his own again,
yes, this I can tell
that all will be well
when the King enjoys his own again. There's neither Swallow, Dove, or Dade
can soar more high or deeper wade
Nor show a reason from the stars
what causeth peace or civil wars.
The man in the moon
may wear out his shoon
by running after Charles his wain
but all's to no end,
for the times will not mend
till the King enjoys his own again. Yes, this I can tell
that all will be well
when the King enjoys his own again. Full forty years this royal crown
hath been his father's and his own
and is there anyone but he
That in the same should sharer be? For who better may
the sceptre sway
than he that hath such right to reign? Then let's hope for a peace,
for the wars will not cease
till the king enjoys his own again.
Yes, this I can tell
that all will be well
when the King enjoys his own again. Though for a time we see Whitehall
with cobwebs hanging on the wall.
Instead of gold and silver brave
which formerly was wont to have
with rich perfume
In every room,
delightful to that princely train. Yet the old again shall be
when the time you see
that the King enjoys his own again. Yes, this I can tell
that all will be well
when the King enjoys his own again. Then fears avaunt, upon the hill
my hope shall cast her anchor still
until I see some peaceful dove
Bring home the branch I dearly love Then will I wait
till the waters abate
which now disturb my troubled brain
Then for ever rejoice,
when I've heard the voice
That the King enjoys his own again.
Yes, this I can tell
That all will be well
When the King enjoys his own again. . It's hard when fowks can't find no work
Where they've been bred and born.
When I were young I always thought
I'd bide among roots and corn.
I've been forced to work in towns,
So here's my litany:
From Hull, and Halifax, and Hell,
Good Lord, deliver me! .
How stands the glass around
For shame, ye take no care, my boys. How stands the glass around,
let mirth and wine abound. The trumpets sound
the colours flying are, my boys. To fight, kill or wound
may we still be found
content with our hard fare, my boys,
on the cold, cold ground.
Why, soldiers, why
should we be melancholy boys
Why, soldiers, why
whose business ’tis to die. What sighing fie
damn fear, drink on, be jolly boys ’Tis he, you and I
Cold, hot, wet, or dry
We’re always bound to follow, boys
And scorn to fly. ’Tis but in vain
I mean not to upbraid you boys.
’Tis but in vain
for soldiers to complain.
Should next campaign
send us to Him that made you, boys
we’re free from pain. But should we remain
a bottle and kind landlady
cures all again. . You gentlemen and tradesmen, as you ride about at will,
look down on these poor people, it's enough to make you crill.
Look down on these poor people as you ride up and down.
I think there is a God above will pull your pride right down
You tyrants of England! Your race may soon be run.
you may be brought unto account for what you've sorely done.
When we look on our poor children, it grieves our hearts full sore,
their clothing it is torn to rags, and we can get no more.
With little in their bellies they to their work must go,
While yours do dress as manky as monkeys in a show.
With the choicest of strong dainties your table's overspread,
with good ale and strong brandy you make your faces red.
You invite a set of visitors, it is your chief delight,
to put your heads together for to make our faces white.
You say that Bonaparte has been the cause of all,
and that we should all have cause to pray for his downfall.
Well, Bonaparte is dead and gone and it is plainly shown
That we have bigger tyrants in Boneys of our own.
So now, my lads, for to conclude and for to make an end,
let's hope that we can form a plan that these bad times may mend.
So, give us our old prices, as we have had before,
and we can live in happiness and rub out the old score. .
Britons once did loyally declaim
about the way we rul'd the waves.
Ev'ry Briton's song was just the same,
When singing of our soldier brave.
All the world had heard it
wonder'd why we sang,
and some have learn'd the reason why.
But we're forgetting it,
and we're letting it
Fade away and gradually die,
Fade away and gradually die.
So when we say that Britanias's master,
Remember who has made her so: It's the Soldiers of the Queen, my lads,
who've been my lads,
Who're seen my lads.
In the fight for Britains's glory, lads,
Of her world wide glory let us sing.
And when we say we've always won,
And when they ask us how it's done,
We'll proudly point to ev'ry one
Of Britains's soldiers of the Queen! . It's time to sweep the fire place and to clear out the furrow. The day will come when the sky will clear and
Arthur will return on a red horse
as brave and strong as he was before.
In the night the castles will fall and the wicked will be thrown from their beds.
How black the harvest of the dammed in the middle of war and fire.
No one see when the day will come until the night is here. . There was a star in David's land,
In David's land appeared,
and in king Herod's bedroom
So bright it did shine there. The Wise Men they soon spied it,
they told the king on high,
That a princely babe was born that night,
no man could ever destroy. If this be true, king Herod said,
that you being telling me,
this roasted fowl that's in the dish
shall crow full fences three. Well the fowl soon feathered and thrustened well,
By the work of God's own hands,
Three times that roasted cock did crow
In the dish where he did stand. . There was a boy who took long walks,
Who lived on beans and ate the stalks;
To the Giants' Country he lost his way;
They kept him there for a year and a day.
But he has not been the same boy since;
An alteration he did evince;
For you may suppose that he underwent
A change in his notions of extent!
He looks with contempt on a nice high door,
And tries to walk in at the second floor;
He stares with surprise ata basin of soup,
He fancies a bowl as large as a hoop;
He calls the people minkin mites;
He calls a sirloin a couple of bites!
Things having come to these pretty passes,
They bought him some magnifying glasses.
He put on the goggles, and said "My eyes!
The world has come to its proper size!"
But all the boys cry, "Stalky John!
There you go with your goggles on!"
What girl would marry him - and quite right -
To be taken for three times her proper height?
So this comes of taking extravagant walks,
And living on beans, and eating the stalks. . The first what comes in is Lord Kenet you will see.
with a bunch of blue ribbons tied round by his knee,
and a star on his breast that like silver doth shine
and I hope he remembers it's pace-egging time. The next what comes in it is Lord Melod,
he fought with Lord Kenet until he shed his blood,
and he's come from the sea Loegris to view.
And he's come pace-egging with all of his crew. The next that comes in is our Jolly Calin rope,
he sailed with Lord Kenet all through the last war
He's arrived from the sea, to view.
And he's come pace-egging with our jovial crew. .
If butterflies courted bees, and owls courted porcupines. If churches were built in t'sea and three in to nine goes one. If ponies rode their masters and the buttercups ate cows If the cat would face the dire disater to be worried by a mouse. If mothers sold their babies for half a crown. If a gentleman was indeed a lady, the world would be all upside down. If any or all of these wonders should ever come about, we should not consider them blunders for we should be inside out! baabaa blackwool have you any sheeps, creep you little mice creep, two and forty little maids hanging out the pie, cross latch cross latch sit and spin the fire when the pie was opened the bird was on the briar! . When the summer day is over
and its busy cares have flown,
I sit beneath the starlight
with a weary heart, alone,
then rises like a vision,
sparkling bright in nature's glee,
my own dear Ellan Vannin
with its green hills by the stars.
Then I hear the oceans murmur
as they kiss the fairy shore,
then beneath the em'rald waters
sings the mermaid as of yore,
and the fair Isle shines with beauty
as in youth it dawned on me,
my own dear Ellan Vannin
with its green hills by the sea. . Little robin on the black peat ground,
where did you sleep last night? Chaddil mish riyr er baare ny crouw,
as ogh, my chadley cho treih! Last night I slept on the top of the briar,
And oh, how miserable my sleep was. . Johnny met with Jenny fair at the dawning of the day,
Johnny now is full of care Since Jenny stole his heart away.
Poor Johnny now he aften rues he ever loved a fickle heart.
Since that she will no pity take he must now wander for her sake
Over the mountains and over the main,
through Gibraltar, to France, and to Spain.
The Queen commands by land and by sea,
Sae list, bonnie laddie, and come awa' wi' me.
A recruiting soldier came frae the Black Watch to the markets,
and as ever for some troops for it to catch,
and all that he listed was forty and twa,
Sae list, bonnie laddie, and come awa.
Over the mountains and over the main,
through Gibraltar, France, and Spain.
The Queen commands by land and by sea,
Sae list, bonnie laddie, and come awa' wi' me.
Oh courage, boys, 'tis one to ten,
but we return all gentlemen.
While conquering colours we display,
In between we'll lead happy lives by being rid of wains and wives.
Over the mountains and over the main,
through Gibraltar, France, and Spain.
The Queen commands by land and by sea,
Sae list, bonnie laddie, and come awa' wi' me. Sing me a song of the lad that is gone.
A far calling pulled him far away,
Carrying only the sunlight for his load.
Many a soul left on the day,
over the hills and far away. Over the mountains and over the main,
through Gibraltar, France, and Spain.
The Queen commands by land and by sea,
Sae list, bonnie laddie, and come awa' wi' me. Billow and breeze, islands and seas,
mountains of rain and mountains of sun.
Glory of youth glowed in his soul,
now where, oh whaere has that glory gone?
It's over the mountains and over the main,
Through Gibraltar, France, and Spain,
The Queen commands by land and by sea,
Sae list, bonnie laddie, and come awa' wi' me. . On a fateful day, Lukagondo the giant woke from his sleep of a hundred years and went to find himself a wife. He put on each of his feet a magical boot and came down to Pembroke town. He kicked at the gates, until the daft gatekeeper came. "Who is there?" asked the stout watchman. "The giant Lukagondo, searching for a wife." Then spoke the watchman "Your room we prefer to your company." The giant kicked down the mighty gate, and there watched Euda in the street. She could dance like a sycamore leaf and sing like a raven. The giant to her father a tanner went his permission to obtain. But he said that she must marry a gentleman. The tanner tried to stab him dead - some one pricked me the giant said. The giant grabbed Euda in his hand and fled Pembroke with the town pursuit. His magical boots bore him at ninety miles an hour. Lukagondo lived in a rivine surrounded by mountains where all was dark. The walls of his castles were slimy and black with dragons in front and toads at the back. But when the giant went to sleep, Euda got inside one of the giants boots and through the window it ran until in reached the moon. The giant when he woke did not know where she had gone and with only one boot he ran around and around in circles until he climbed the tallest moutain and the sole wore through, so he was stranded. While Euda instead married the prince of the moon, and they sang and danced for the whole of the month of June. . Oh gentlefolks, Oh where do you think that I ha' been?
I'se so pleased wi' the sights I ha' seen.
It grows very late, you'll all say, and it's time we
gang'd to bed but my Feet carried me to the play and I
can't get it out o' my Head. Sing, Tol de rol lo de rol lol. Odzooks! what a nation fine place and what woundly fine
people go there!
I was never before in suck case, for I didn't know which
way to stare!
On one other side I see'd the gay Beaux, on t'other the
Ladies so fair!
Who I'm sure take no pride in their clothes, for they
scarce provide any to wear! Sing, Tol de rol lo de rol lol. But as soon as the play was begun, which they call'd
the "Bold stroke for a wife", I was up to me elbows in
fun, such as I never see'd i' my life. for the Quakers
they stuck up up so prim, so humble yet so full of Pride
So solemn yet so full of whim.
That wi' Laughing I thought I'd ha' died. Sing, Tol de rol lo de rol lol. In the Farce of the "Devil to pay",
mr Johnson a huge clever chap, made his wife ev'ry order
obey by the pow'r of his wonderful strap!
So I find them as wander and roam learn something from all
that they see. I'll speak to our cobbler in hell and get
him to make on for me! Sing, Tol de rol lo de rol lol.
Now I'm com'd to the end o' my story, I reckon it's time
to gi' o'er.
Though I'd like you to hear what a worry and scrawging
they made at the door.
To cut my tale short I'm com'd out, but the devil knows
how I got in! . From Oberon, in fairy land, the king of ghosts and shadows there, Mad robin I at his command am sent to view the night sports here. what revel rout is kept about in evrery corner where I go, I will o'ersee and merry be and make good sport with ho ho ho! From hag-bred merlins time have I thus nightly revelled to and fro and for my pranks men call me by the name of robin goodfellow fiends ghosts and sprites who haunt the nights the hagss and goblins do me know, and beldames old do me know my feats have told so vale vale ho ho ho! . God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of the far-flung battle line.
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine
Lord God of Hosts, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget! The tumult and the shouting dies,
the Captains and the Kings depart,
still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
A humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget! Far-called, our navies melt away,
on dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget! For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And, guarding, calls not Thee to guard.
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy Mercy on our people, Lord! . Men of England, wherefore plough
for the lords who lay ye low?
Wherefore weave with toil and care
the rich robes your tyrants wear? Wherefore feed and clothe and save
from the cradle to the grave
those ungrateful drones who would
drain your sweat-nay, drink your blood? Wherefore, Bees of England, forge
many a weapon, chain, and scourge,
that these stingless drones may spoil
the forced produce of your toil? Have ye leisure, comfort, calm,
shelter, food, love’s gentle balm?
Or what is it ye buy so dear
with your pain and with your fear?
Shrink to your cellars, holes, and cells—
in hall ye deck another dwells.
Why shake the chains ye wrought? Ye see
The steel ye tempered glance on ye.
With plough and spade and hoe and loom
trace your grave and build your tomb
and weave your winding-sheet—till fair
England be your Sepulchre. . Eddi, priest of St. Wilfrid
in his chapel at Manhood End,
ordered a midnight service
for such as cared to attend. But the Saxons were keeping Christmas,
and the night was stormy as well.
Nobody came to service,
though Eddi rang the bell. 'Wicked weather for walking,'
said Eddi of Manhood End.
'But I must go on with the service
For such as care to attend.' The altar-lamps were lighted,
an old marsh-donkey came,
bold as a guest invited,
And stared at the guttering flame. The storm beat on at the windows,
the water splashed on the floor,
and a wet, yoke-weary bullock
pushed in through the open door.
'How do I know what is greatest,
how do I know what is least?
That is My Father's business,'
Said Eddi, Wilfrid's priest. They steamed and dripped in the chancel,
they listened and never stirred,
while, just as though they were Bishops,
Eddi preached them The Word. And when the Saxons mocked him,
said Eddi of Manhood End,
'I dare not shut His chapel
On such as care to attend.' . In a church which is garnished with mullion and gables, with altar and reredos, with gurgoyle and groin, the pentitents' dresses are sealskin and sables, the odour of sanctity eau de Cologne. But surely if Lucifer, flying from Hades, were to gaze on the crowd with its paniers and paints, he would say, as he looked on the lords and the ladies, "Oh, where is All Sinners', if this be All Saints?" . My name is Paddy Whack I come up to this town,
to all the wonders of famous renown.
And I'll quickly describe'em, when once I've began, In as
few, short, brief words as I possibly can. I went to the tower to see the sights there.
When my eyes look'd about 'em beginning to stare,
"Before you go farther (the beef eater cried) you must
have a conductor to act as your guide. Do you take me says I for a cripple that begs, that you
think I can't walk with the use of my legs? Says he "I don't care if you can or cannot, for stir but
six yards and you'll die on this spot."
By st Patrick says I but I'd show you a trick, if you
hadn't that pike at the end of your stick.
But since with your bother you make such a rout and won't
let me in, I'll make free to go out!
To the Opera I went, where so badly they speak I could
learn just as much from the pigs as they squeak.
For though with loud singing, they stun'd every head,
I couldn't tell one single word that they said.
So the last thing I saw was the first in my mind.
The Invisible Girl! a fine sight for the blind,
for though it's invisible yet it appears, that if you're
not deaf you may see with your ears.
I'm tir'd my own self, so are you without doubt, I've
finish'd my tale and nothing shall force me to say any
From the hag and hungry goblin
that into rags would rend ye,
the spirit that stands by the naked man.
The Books of Moe defend ye,
that of your five sound senses
you never be forsaken.
Nor wander from your selves with Tom
abroad to beg your bacon,
while I do sing, any food or feeding,
feeding, drink, or clothing;
come dame or maid, be not afraid,
poor Tom will injure nothing.
Of thirteen bare years have I
twice twenty been enraged.
Of forty been three times fifteen
in durance soundly cage'd
on the lordly lofts of Bedlam,
with stubble soft and dainty.
Brave bracelets strong, sweet whips ding-dong,
With wholesome hunger plenty,
And now I sing, Any food or feeding,
Feeding, drink, or clothing;
Come dame or maid, be not afraid,
Poor Tom will injure nothing.
With a thought I took for Maudlin
and a cruse of cockle pottage,
with a thing thus tall, bless you all,
I befell into this dotage.
I slept not since the Conquest,
till then I never wake'd,
till the roguish boy of love where I lay
me found and stript me naked.
And now I sing, Any food or feeding,
feeding, drink, or clothing;
Come dame or maid, be not afraid,
Poor Tom will injure nothing.
With a host of furious fancies
whereof I am commander,
with a burning spear and a horse of air,
to the wilderness I wander.
By a knight of ghosts and shadows
I summoned am to tourney
ten leagues beyond the wide world's end:
Methinks it is no journey.
Yet will I sing, any food or feeding,
Feeding, drink, or clothing;
Come dame or maid, be not afraid,
Poor Tom will injure nothing. . For to see Mad Tom of Bedlam,
ten thousand miles I've traveled.
Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes,
for to save her shoes from gravel
I went down to Satan's kitchen
to break my fast one morning.
And there I got souls piping hot
all on the spit a-turning. My staff has murdered giants
my bag a long knife carries
to cut mince pies from children's thighs
for which to feed the fairies. No gypsy, slut or doxy
shall win my mad Tom from me
I'll weep all night, with stars I'll fight
the fray shall well become me. . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. . An old, mad, blind, despised, and dying King,
Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow
Through public scorn,—mud from a muddy spring.
Rulers who neither see nor feel nor know,
But leechlike to their fainting country cling
Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow.
A people starved and stabbed in th' untilled field;
An army, whom liberticide and prey
Makes as a two-edged sword to all who wield;
Golden and sanguine laws which tempt and slay;
Religion Christless, Godless—a book sealed;
A senate, Time’s worst statute, unrepealed—
Are graves from which a glorious Phantom may
Burst, to illumine our tempestuous day. . A fog came down covered the city, as thick as ever seen.
As I was passing london hill. Through the fog I saw a castle, on the walls of which a thousand or more crows were
perched. On each tower was a guard, and six pairs of guards walked outside the walls. They were dressed in torn bloody stips of white and grey cloth, and carried broken spears.
Above the gates which opened on to the river there was a man with no head.
In his hands he held a net cast in the river.
He called to me in a terrible voice: "I am the fisher king.
Take my advice and stay away from Ireland." We were ten thousand heros driven by nothing but madness, in Ireland we were slain,
but Ireland we raised to the ground, we cruelly maimed the poor and weak and killed and robbed the rich and strong. In the fight my head was justly removed from my shoulders.
On my return to britain I was taken to the house at Camalan, where I could still give advice
as long as the westernmost door was closed, but when it was opened I talked no more.
So this castle was made my tomb because my body still walked. My head was stolen long ago, but they didn't dare touch my body.
But on a boat they travelled with my head so my spirit led them astray.
They found themselves in a foreign land where they were wrecked by sirens.
As it sank my head fell in to the river and one day it will pass here and I will catch it
in my net. Then the fisher king will fish no longer. I talk to you now because In my net I have caught a voice, I have also caught foresight.
And I have caught many many other treasures. Then a gust of wind blew him and his castle away sending the crows flying. . Molmutine Laws No one should be killed or captured while on a bridge. Birds must not be kept in houses. The kings roads must be kept free of robbers and open always and to all. No Farmer should ever be put to death. No water from a spring, river or well shall be refused to anybody. No one may murder. No one may steal. No one may commit adultery. No one may commit bestiality. No one may eat blackberries after the autumn equinox, because they are unclean after then. No one may be punished without a fair trial, courts must be established to settle
major grievances, they must not punish the innocent even if they risk letting the
guilty go. The King is outside and above the law, the courts and the law must defer to him,
but must offer him no protection.
Measurements A land is 144 miles. A mile is 120 yokes. A yoke is six yards. A yard is four leaps. A leap is three paces. A pace is three feet. A foot is three palms. A palm is three inches. An inch is three barley corns. An area of two yokes by nine is an acre. 120 acres makes a shareland. Three sharelands is a town. Four sharelands is a free town. Seven towns makes a manor. Twelve free towns makes a city. . ECCLESIASTICS. I REMEMBER a remark made by the late Bishop of London (Dr. Jackson) that when he recalled the sad condition of apathy, indolence, and disobedience into which the Church of England had fallen, it seemed marvelous to him that it continued to exist, that it should survive such manifest indications of debility and decay. I did not share in his surprise, beliving that, as a branch of the true Vine, it may droop, but it cannot wither ; and though it may bleed when it is pruned, whether by the merciful Hand which purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit, or by the sword of the oppressor, it can never die. Moreover, there was the remnant, the seed, the seven thousand who had not bowed the knee to Baal of worldliness ; and He who said, "I will not destroy the city for ten's sake" in His wrath thinketh upon mercy. The Evangelicals, the Wesleyans, not then severed from the Church, and devout Christians in all grades of society, kept the lamp from going out in the temple of the Lord. The pulse of spiritual life was feeble, slow, intermittent, but it encouraged hope. And so, while I record the memories of my boyhood and youth, were it only to suggest or to strengthen the gratitude which we owe the revival of the faith, which worketh by love--my recollections of neglect and degradation--I remember also with a reverend regard those holy and humble men of heart who, few in number--" the fewer men the greater the share of honour"--followed in quietness and confidence the steps of the Divine master, and went about doing good, in schools and cottages, sick-rooms and mourners' homes, from that charity " which vaunteth not itself." In some cases a comparison between the past and the present is greatly in favour of the past. I speak that which I know, and testify that which I have seen, having associated all my life with rich and poor alike, when I affirm that there was far more unity and far less discontent--a better feeling between masters and servants, employers and employed. Servants were not tempted by bribes, nor by facilities of locomotion, to wander from place to place ; they remained in happy homes for long periods of mutual attachment, and there were no demagogues to suggest and organise distrust. I do not say that the disaffection and disunion which ensued were not provoked or justified. I regard them, on the contary, as the protest of right against wrong, as the fulfilment of the Divine warning, " Be sure your sin will find you out"--a truth which was echoed by the philosopher when he he said,-- "The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices make instruments to plague us." I know that we were living in the lull which precedes the storm and the big drops, which have been described as the tears of the tempest, weeping for the havoc it will make, began at long intervals to fall. I belive that the thunder-clouds then gathering on the horizon had never darkened day if the Church had done her duty ; if her rich laity, her nobles, squires, and merchants, had been more thoughtful and more generous as to the spiritual and temporal condition of the people ; if the welfare of the mechanic and labourer had been studied and promoted by Christian sympathy, instead of by politicians, fighting for place, and outbidding one another with promises to the electors of a beneficence which, if ever it be realized, will cost them personally nothing. If the subjects of education, dwellings, allotments, trades unions, labour and capital, had been dealt with in a religious, philanthropic spirit, instead of being pressed upon Parliament, and if that Parliament had never been, as Charles Dickens, who watched its procedings for three and a half years, described it, a place in which " Britannia was brought out night after night to be roasted, like a trussed fowl, skewered with office pens, and tied up with red tape ; a place in which he listened to promises which were not intended for fulfilment, and to explanations which only tended to mystify, which constrained him to declare that with regard to patriotism, 'I am an infidel and shall never be converted'" why, then there might have been confidence instead of suspicion, men of all ranks might have met each other in the streets with the smile of sympathy instead of with the scowl of aversion, and owners might have gone into factory and field, as Boaz went among his harvesters, with a " Lord be with you," and been answered with " The Lord bless thee." In addition to this larger concord, there were other advantages and immunities fifty years ago. Though the Wesleyans were fast breaking away from the Church, losing their affection for a mother who made no effort to retain it, we had no deserters to Rome ; nor were we informed by professors and pedants that the Bible abounded in myths and mistakes ; that we must take their word for it, instead of listening to Him who bids us "hear the Church," and must recive their hyper-criticisms, their theories, and doubtful disputations, as though they were the edicts of an Œcumenical Council, and in place of our ancient Creeds. Some have affirmed---and all inherit from our first parents an evil instinct to transfer blame: Adam accused Eve, and Eve the serpent--that the clergy were the cause of this sad declension. They were undoubtedly (with the few exceptions, cheifly, as I have intimated, of the Evangelical school) indifferent to their duties, and unworthy of their high vocation. They did as little as decency compelled, and that but once in the week. They ate of the fat, and clothed themselves with the wool, but they did not feed the flock. Nevertheless it must not be ignored by their accusers that the people loved to have it so. It was as at Tyre: as with the people so with the priest, as with the servant so with his master, as with the maid so with her mistress. The parson could not prevent Lord Zebah and Squire Zalmunna from taking the houses of God in posession, from slumbering in their lofty quadrilateral forts. Had he lifted up his voice like a trumpet, and constrained them to hear a sermon, preached by St. James, about rich men in gay clothing, and poor men in vile, he would have been denounced at once as a Papist or a Methodist, and would have tasted the old port no more. Within twelve miles of my home, Zalmunna came regularly to church, followed by a footman, carrying a Prayer-book, which he reverently suspended by a silver chain round the neck of his master on his arrival in the familly pew ! My first memory ecclesiastical is of a time in which we never saw or heard of our vicar--days of pluralities and non-residence, suggestive of Lord Brougham's splendid enigma, " What makes treason reason and Ireland wretched? " answer, "Absent T." It was then that a certain Vicar of Strood was induced by a laudable, abnormal magnanimity to leave the benefice which he preferred in some distant county, and to visit the fold, which he had entrusted to one of his hirelings ; but he was so offended and repelled on his arrival by a nauseous odour, which came between the wind and his nobility from a basket of shrimps, held up as he passed through the street for his approval as a purchaser, and in the process of swift decomposition, that he abandoned his benevolent intention, and sought the refuge of his sweeter home. Our Curate, who lived five miles away, rode over for one dreary service on the Sunday, dined and we saw him no more during the week. He was much occupied in the pursuit of the fox, which it is charitable to suppose, he mistook for a wolf, and like the good shepherd was anxious to destroy. The service was literally a duet between the parson and the clerk, except when old John Manners the bricklayer gave the keynote for the hymn from his bassoon, a sound which might have been uttered by an elephant in distress, and we sang,-- or when the curate suddenly emerged from his surplice, which he placed on the side of his reading-pew, and appearing in his academical gown, went up the " three-decker " to preach. The altar was represented by a small, rickety deal table, with a scanty covering of faded and patched green baize, on which were placed the overcoat, hat, and riding-whip of the officiating minister, who made a vestry within the sacrarium, and, sitting there in a huge surplice, had a conversation with the sexton before the service began, and looked as though he were about to have his hair cut. The font was filled with coffin-ropes, tinder-boxes, and brimstone matches, candle-ends, etc. It was never used for baptism. Zebah and Zalmunna would not have countenanced such an unseemly interruption of the service. Sparrows twittered and bats floated beneath the rotten timbers of the roof, while beetles and moths, and all manner of flies, found happy homes below. The damp walls represented in fresco " a green and yellow melancholy," which had a depressing influence upon the spirit, and the darkest and most dismal building of the parish was that called the house of God. We had, I remember, a supplemental service at home on the Sunday, which I am sure was good for us, although we derived no benefit from the introduction of Blair's sermons, of which we children understood not a single sentence, and in which it is difficult to find any reference to the Christian faith. They only impressed me as being beautifully bound in calf with gilt edges, and as being printed in large clear type. Perhaps, as the first day of the week was then regarded as the gloomiest of all, and no notice was taken of the Church's directions as to " days of fasting and abstinence," these sermons were inflicted as penance. If so, they fulfilled their their purpose ; but I should say that, as a Lenten exercise, a course of Blair would be too severe for ordinary patients. At last, the morning star which announced the advent of a brighter day, shone through the darkness ; and it is interesting to recall how gradually that gracious light broke upon the dreary scene. As when some beautiful picture, which has been concealed and forgotten, removed in time of battle, lest it should be destroyed by the enemy, is found after many years, and is carefully cleansed and skillfully restored, and the eye is delighted with the successive development of colour and of form, and the lifelike countenance, the historical scene, the sunny landscape, or the moonlit sea comes out once more upon the canvas ; so in that great revival of religion, which began in England more than half a century ago, the glorious truths of the gospel, the ancient verities of the Catholic faith, were restored to a disobedient and gainsaying people, who had forgotten or slighted them for so long. They were with us in our Bibles, in our Prayer-books, in our Sacrements, and means of grace, but they were hidden from our eyes, like the colours of the picture, by the dust of a long neglect. Or as when, after some sad, restless night of pain, of feverish vision, and of fearful dream, joy cometh in the morning, and the sun shines upon a world. so with the awakening of our religious life from that sleep which seemed like death. The first agents employed in this work of restoration the first promoters of " The Oxford Movement," invited and secured, through the press and from the pulpitt, the consideration of their readers and hearers, as they appealed to the Holy Scriptures, to the prayer-book, to the ancient Fathers, and to primitive practice, in their expositions of our privileges and of our duties as members of the English Church. They remined us, and proved to us, that this Church was no modern establishment, devised by human prudence and depending upon secular support, but that it was founded in apostolic times, or shortly after the decease of the apostles, by those whom they ordained ; that it was here when Augustine came to exalt and extend it ; and that in later days, having, like the Church of Ephesus, lost its first love, and remembering from whence it was fallen, it had been reclaimed and reformed ; that our bishops, though statesmen had the power to commend and kings to command their appointment, derived their dignity and power from consecration and the imposition of hands ; and that our clergy, however unworthy, were royal ambassadors, entrusted with messages of pardon, and with benedictions of peace. They taught us at the same time that these privileges were worthless unless we proved our appreciation ; that it was vain, and worse than vain, to have the most excellent form of godliness on our lips, if in our lives we denied the power of it ; and that they who receive the seed into an honest and good heart can bring forth fruit with patience. These soldiers were the pioneers, the advanced guard, of a victorius army, marching to the relief of a beleaguered citadel and of famished men, and they wrought a great deliverance. Ere they came, a foreigner visited this country and wrote a record of the impressions which it made upon him. After praising its scenery, valleys and hills and streams, its woods and cornfields, gardens and orchards, its wealth and orchards, its weath and industry, its great discoveries in science, its achivements in art and in arms, he goes on to say, " But most impressive, at first sight, to me was the view, not only in cities and in towns, but in every village, of the church tower or spire, rising over the roofs and the trees, and hard by the pastors peaceful home. Surely, I thought, we have here, not only a prosperous, intellectual, energetic, brave and accomplished people, but they are devout and religious also. Imagine then my disappointment when, as I drew near, I found the graveyards uncared for, the tombstones broken, defaced, defiled, the church doors barred and locked ; and when I obtained admission, for which I was manifestly expected to pay, I looked on desolation and decay--comfortable apartments for the rich, with cushions and carpets, bare benches for the poor-- and was told that the church was only used once in the week, and that the chief shepherd resided a hundred miles from his sheep ! " How great would be his surprise of joy could he return to us now ! His utterance of sad reproach would be exchanged for some such words as those which were spoken, when the first influence of this reaction was felt throughout the land, by an American bishop, George Doane of New Jersey. Preaching in the parish church at Leeds, he said "Brethren, right reverend, reverend, and beloved, it is written in the records of the Older Testament, that when the Ark of God was on its was to Zion, it rested for three months in the house of Obed-edom, 'and it was told King David, saying, The Lord hath blessed the house of Obed-edom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the Ark of God;' and as I have contemplated your prosperous industry, and enjoyed the hospitality of your happy, peaceful homes, and have remembered that over every sea floats the Red Cross of Saint George, and that on the limits of your Empire the sun never sets, I have asked myself, Whence to this little island, whence to Britain, once unkown to the civilised world, this glory and this power ? " And the answer which has come to me instinctively is this : 'The Lord hath Blesses the house of Obed-edom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the House of God.' Yes, bretheren, the power and glory of England comes from her pure and ancient Christianity. And the armament which guards her shores is the fleet which bears to distant lands her missionary zeal." ===================================================================================== ===================================================================================== ===================================================================================== ===================================================================================== ===================================================================================== Cassibellaun, king of the Britons, to Caius Julius Caesar.
We cannot but wonder, Caesar, at the avarice of the Roman people, since their insatiable thirst for money cannot let us alone,
though the dangers of the ocean have placed us in a manner out of the world; but they must have the presumption to covet our substance,
which we have hitherto enjoyed in quiet. Neither is this indeed sufficient: we must also choose subjection and slavery to them,
before the enjoyment of our native liberty.
Your demand, therefore, Caesar, is scandalous, since the same vein of nobility flows from Aeneas in both my fathers line and caesars,
and one and the same chain of consanguinity unites us.
So much have we been accustomed to liberty, that we are perfectly ignorant what it is to submit to slavery.
Know then, Caesar, that we are ready to fight for that and our kingdom, if, as you threaten, you shall attempt to invade Britain. . Caraticus met a roman invasion in kent, but he was betrayed by britons loyal to Rome. He fled to North wales pusrued by the Romans where for a year he confounded them but his forces were defeated and he fled north to the lands of
queen Cartimandua. But she fearing the Romans turned him over and he was brought to Rome as a prisoner. And Britain became a province of the romans. Speech of Caraticus. Had my moderation in prosperity been equal to my noble birth and fortune, I should have entered this city as your friend rather than as your captive; and you would not have disdained to receive, under a treaty of peace, a king descended from illustrious ancestors and ruling many nations.
My present lot is as glorious to you as it is degrading to me. I had men and horses, arms and wealth. What wonder if I parted with them reluctantly? If you Romans choose to lord it over the world, does it follow that the world is to accept slavery?
Were I to have been at once delivered up as a prisoner, neither my fall nor your triumph would have become famous. My punishment would be followed by oblivion, whereas, if you save my life, I shall be an everlasting memorial of your clemency. . Mad and maddening all that heard her in her fierce volubility,
Girt by half the tribes of Britain, near the colony Camulodune,
Yell'd and shriek'd between her daughters o'er a wild confederacy. Hear Icenian, Catieuchlanian, hear Coritanian, Trinobant!
Must their ever-ravening eagle's beak and talon annihilate us?
Bark an answer, Britain's raven! bark and blacken innumerable,
Blacken round the Roman carrion, make the carcase a skeleton,
Kite and kestrel, wolf and wolfkin, from the wilderness, wallow in it,
Till the face of Bel be brighten'd, Taranis be propitiated.
Me they seized and me they tortured, me they lash'd and humiliated,
Me the sport of ribald Veterans, mine of ruffian violators!
See they sit, they hide their faces, miserable in ignominy!
Wherefore in me burns an anger, not by blood to be satiated.
Thunder, a flying fire in heaven, a murmur heard aerially,
Phantom sound of blows descending, moan of an enemy massacred,
Phantom wail of women and children, multitudinous agonies.
Bloodily flow'd the Tamesa rolling phantom bodies of horses and men;
Then a phantom colony smoulder'd on the refluent estuary;
Lastly yonder yester-even, suddenly giddily tottering—
There was one who watch'd and told me—down their statue of Victory fell.
Like the leaf in a roaring whirlwind, like the smoke in a hurricane whirl'd. ===================================================================================== ===================================================================================== The ruling of the province of Prima Britainia in it's decline was seized by Grantian Municepts.
His cruel and oppressive rule was short as he was murdered in a popular uprising. Then came a time of unrest, barbarians from Mikronika Salonica and Dacia devistated the whole land.
At the invitation of Guithelen archbishop of London, Constantine - a prince of Escavalon was made king of Prima Britainia or as it was called Logris. He was able to defend against the barabarians and restore peace for a time
Constantine had two sons, Constans and Uther. Vortigen king of Celodine nephew of Constantine was elected ruler of Logris after the death of Constantine. Fearing him Constans and Uther being only children fled to Sorelais. Vortigen invited a great many people from many wild and untamed nations to strengthen his hold on britain. Wild men came from Ireland with their pagan druids who would work evil rituals and sacrifice young children,
pictish mercinaries of unmatched strength, courage and pride but with evil tempers and lax morals.
Saxons with their nine strange babarian hags with savage dogs and wildcats,
Eastern magi with luciferian rituals, and occult texts along with many others. Vortigen became a tyrant and Britain was known far and wide as an evil place.
He demmanded high taxes and his magicians would oppress the people while he hid in his white tower with his magicians. . Galahat was king of Dunmovia during Vortigens reign. He was a coarse giant of a man.
It was said his barns were better than his halls. He rode round his kingdom in a chariot.
Sometimes in diguise he went in to an inn with the layabouts of the village
and get drunk then pretend to run out of money and refuse to leave until he was forcibly removed.
But in the morning he would leave a bag of gold for the innkeeper and the poor. One day he sailed to Egypt.
He met a magician in the desert standing on a dune who told him this: The people say I am mad but they don't understand. I see the waters ebb and flow and waste themseelves in the sea and the sun leave us in darkness.
I can see the fools sqaunder their lives with their eyes tight shut.
And I can see what you hide behind your eyes.
For mine is the power that makes it's way through the desert at night. Because I am a wicked man and I will curse you.
I will shake the earth and you will dance with ghosts.
However much you run you will get no further.
Said Galahat tell someone else because I don't want to know.
From the sand came the corpse of Cleopatra. But Galahat did not flinch or move, the magician howled and
the wind blew up a dust storm and the magician had gone when it had settled. In Cairo Galahat brought a charm to protect him that he kept with him from then on. Galahat was one of the rulers who would not bow to Vortigen,
Vortigen sent assasins but they were caught.
For nine months Vortigen tried to subdue him,
He burnt the fields and the orchards starving the people. Eventually Galahat was besiged in the fort of Sofsay Ubpogos. It was clear that the war was soon to be over, Galahat got very drunk and smashed the charm he had brought in Egypt. Soon after dawn the walls were breached and
while the people in the fort were massacared Galahat was kept in the hall with guards by the
He was shackled to the wall, but he began to drunkenly sing and dance. Invisible feet danced beside him.
He held out his hands and after a moment the shackles were broken in two and he danced around the hall
holding an invisible dancer. He walked to the door, it was guarded by one of his old soldiers who had deserted long ago.
He asked him to let him go while nobody was looking because in the past he was kind to him when nobody else was, the guard said I am old and I am bitter and I don't care
take one Step beyond this door and I will stab you. Galahat took one step forward out the door and the guard put his knife in his chest.
Then the earth shook and the fort fell down everyone who was not crushed fled in the confusion. Galahat ran to his chariot with the knife still in his chest and as he left a terrible storm started and soaked the earth
he was chased but his chariot became stuck in the mud
and he was caught and beaten to death. His corpse was brought back to his familly.
As was the custom for kings of that land a funeral pyre was built in his great hall and he was
laid upon it. When it was lit and the people left the door was closed. After half an hour there was no fire or smoke coming from the hall. So the door was opened, there was no pyre the hall was decorated for a celebration.
All manner of royal people sat around the table and at the head sat Galahat. He said to the people watching outside:
Things look bad but these are the days which will be remembered. Britain is still freer than most. If you willl remember me do so by the thirty-seventh chapter of the book of Ezekiel. . Constantin and Uther returned when they were grown and raised an army in North wales with men from throughout the north with the help of Aurelius Ambrosius.
Constantin was killed in battle but their forces took a hold in the lands and Uther was crowned presumtive king.
Slowly he drove Vortigen further back and may have defeated him but he was murdered while drinking from a stream not far from Chichester. Vortigen took advantage of the disorganisation that followed his death and retook the lands he had lost while Aurelius was engaged with the Picts and the Danes. Uther had a son called Arthur who had been born not long before who was taken by his mother to the Isle of Man, then Armorica. When Arthur was no more than a year old he was snatched by Vortigerns spies but on the jouney they had a change of heart and he was left in the monastry at Uglonim and told Vortigen that the boy had been killed in Armorica. To protect him the monks kept quiet of Arthurs orgins. He was adopted by Ococos the wheelwright, becoming his apprentice. When The old abbot Ecolsay Hogos saw that Arthur had come of age, he went down to workshop of Ococos where arthur was working. He brought with him great logs of cedar and ash, he told Ococos he wanted Arthur to make of them a wheel two paces wide with fourteen spokes, each
one engraved with a consecutive line from the nineteenth pslam,
he also produced gold leaf and
gemstones to decorate it with. For several weeks Arthur and Ococos laboured until it was made, on the feast of Annunciation it was completed and they brought Hogos to the workshop to see it. Hogos then revealed the truth of Arthurs birth and ancestry, he blessed the wheel and dedicated it to Arthur. It was on Advent Sunday that there was a storm and the workshop was struck by lightening that caused no fire but freed the wheel that was chained to the wall and blew open the door.
The wheel rolled out and down the hill. Arthur, Ococos and some men of the village saw what had happened and chased it until it struck a rock and flew in to the air, and crashed in to a passing band of brigands employed by Vortigen and broke the leg of the grey horse of their leader Ubqupom. Ubuqupom knocked from his horse saw the men from the village and drew his sword and ordered his men to massacre them in revenge. But he did not realise that Arthur was armed and was killed by him as he rushed forward. While the villagers fought, one of them went back to get help and before long the brigands were dead but so was Ococos and several others. Arthur retrived the wheel and took the possesions of the brigands for his own. At midnight after saint Stevens day oustide the workshop of Ococos a figure dressed in glowing white floating nine feet above the ground was seen.
Some people gathered round and it simply said "Vortigen is dead and the new king will be crowned in Canterbury" Arthur gathered the people of the local villages and with Ecolsay Hogos and the old monks who remembered his arrival as his witnesses he revealed
his father was Uther, he told them that if they could be his escort he would travel to Canterbury to claim the crown of Vortigen.
With the wheel held in the air instead of a banner, with two dozen villagers in the armour of the fallen brigands they travelled towards Kent. As Arthur arrived in Magrance he was told by a labourer that vortigen was dead that he had been betrayed by the saxons, and their leader, Horsa had been crowned with Vortigens crown in Canterbury. Five longships had arrived from Germany and more were on their way. Athur andd his men turned towards London, to find out the situation and on the road they met and joined an army from Celemion lead by a general of Vortigerns called,
Malten Mapadron, the news of the invasion was spreading and the lords of the land were gathering.
They were soon joined by men from London and Clarence and headed to Kent.
They waited near a bridge over Medway hidden by the side of the road.
A small force sent to prepare for the invasion they ambushed, a few escaped and alone Arthur pursued them. They ran to a garrison that had been errected near Uhadata, Arthur waited nearby on the brow of a hill, then when all was quiet ran to the garrison and
stole the banner of a white horse that flew over it, then rode furiously back. Malten had retreated in anticipation of a counter attack, but Arthur caught him up, he was met with joy and was made a captain for his bravery.
Further invasions were happening in the north of Logres and Arthur was sent to help to combat them.
He did not have great numbers so he would travel by stealth raiding camps and capturing small patrols, or destroying bridges and ferries to prevent the invaders from crossing.
Everywhere he went he would appeal to the Britons to help with the effort, some would help him for one raid, some would join him and go where he went.
Everywhere he had such an impression on people his name spread far and wide even among the Saxons.
Soon his forces were much larger and stealth became harder.
Near Camalan in the Kingdom of Clarence he met his second cousin Moderatus Ambrosius, a nothern captain with 500 men, together they defeated an army of Jutes near the city of Durobrivae, the first of the great
victories of Arthur. He travelled with great rejoicing with an army 800 strong to Venta Sulis which was held by the Saxons, as he approached they feinged a retreat
and charged as Arthur advanced driving his men in to the river.
They fled with great losses, many lost hope and deserted so Arthur had less than 150 men. In disgrace, he went to Colchester to meet Vortimer son of Vortigern who had just retaken the town. The British forces having temporarily halted the northern invasions were looking back to Kent. Arthur was for a while made a reruiting seargent, but Vortimer sent him back to battle as a captain secretly in the hope
he might die. But by the river Dubglas he won three great Victories, and his reputation was restored. Soon after, the invasion intensified and the Britons could not withstand it. Vortimer sent Arthur to Lincoln were he defeated the Jutes again. He continued north travelling by stealth, raiding and skirmishing as the invaders increased. In Celidion forest he met an old wild man who told him that he was not far from an army of Dacians and who hid them among the trees
As the Dacians passed they were ambushed and scattered them throughout the forest and hunted down. Arthur soon after met an army of Saxons near the Firth of Forth where they were also defeated. The Irish had also launched an invasion so Arthur travelled south near the eastern shore, gathering soldiers as he went. He saw empty burnt villages and ravaged fields but he did not catch them up until he
was in Virconum, he drove them to the river, they surrendered and agreed to help him fight the Saxons. When he arrived back in the south he found that the Saxons were ravaging the land and Vortimer had been brutally killed, his his guts and lungs pulled out and left exposed. Arthur then won a battle at Caerleon, another by the Tribuit,
then again at Winchester after which he was elected King of logris, and finally he defeated and killed Horsa at the battle of Badon. The Saxons were driven back and allowed to keep Kent and Clarence as subjects of logris in return for peace. He then travelled the land driving out the pagans and magicians invited by Vortigen. Arthur built a castle at Camelot and hung his great wheel on the wall battered and dirty from its travels
and reigned as King of Logris for twenty five years. During the fighting he established himself ruler of much of North Wales which angered Moderatus Ambrosius who was now King of Kambris in the north because those lands were part of Kambris before he was king. Not long after, Arthur inhertited the crown of Lothian which worried Ambrosius, because he feared Arthur would seek to become king of Britain. . King Arthur after winning his twelve victories travelled around Logris
driving out the magicians and druids. The pagan idols were destroyed and the christian idols were wrapped in
cloth and kept underground. In Cornwall there were some high Irish druids and every time Arthur
went near, there would be a disaster.
On the first occasion Arthurs horse tripped on a stone breaking its leg
and sending him flying and injuring his leg. On the second time Arthur and his knights became terribly ill, after they
had recovered the innkeeper of the inn where they stayed, went mad and
killed all the knights as they slept with Arthur only escaping narrowly. Arthur went back to Camelot to consult with his priests. They told him that as he came near evil he must put his hand on the hilt of his sword and recite these words. CRUX SACRA SIT MIHI LUX NON DRACO SIT MIHI DUX VADE RETRO SATANA NUNQUAM SUADE MIHI SUNT MALA QUAE LIBAS IPSE VENENA BIBAS Then that he must keep his hand on the hilt and not take it off for any reason. He came across the druids sitting around the fire, throwing stones in to the
center where a carcass of a cat was burning. They started to swear and shout when they saw Arthur and the knights. They charged at them with knives and were cut down. From then on Arthur kept the advice of his priests and no harm came to him. . Every Pentecost Arthur would have a great council and eisteddfod in Caerleon, Leaders, Heroes, Poets and Bards from across his
kingdom would attend, the winner of the eisteddford would win 239 pieces of gold. One year an appeal for aid arrived at the court at Pentecost from the ruler of Armorica King Magnus the cousin of Kinng Arthur, his kingdom was about to be conqured by the Franks, the court agreed to help and Arthur quickly raised an army and crossed the channel to Armorica. They defeated Clovis king of the Franks by the Ris-beakqesay-age where Magnus swore fealty to Arthur bringing
Armorica into his realm. Magnus also had lands in the north-west of Spain which were being attacked by the Romans with the aid of the Byzantines
and Parthians. By the river Alba Arthur defeated an army lead by Petrius Cotter who was taken prisoner,
and a second army lead by Lucius Tiberius was defeated at Longriae.
Arthur continued to gain Iberian lands from the Romans then continued round to the south of france Eventually he made peace with the Romans and helped them defend the land of the Biturges against the Goths but they were defeated
by the Goths unexpected numbers. While this was taking place Moderatus Ambrosius came to Logris unhappy because of incursions in to his lands by Arthurs lords and knights in his absence
and he feared Arthurs actions abroad would incite revenge attacks from abroad, bringing war to Britain again. He came and saw that Logirs was poorly defended and that Arthur had suffered a terrible defeat and was rumored to have died. Ecolsay Hogos had been left in charge of the kingdom but he was now a very old man and he had become deaf and tired and he was unable to pacify Ambrosius who returned with an army and declared himself King of the Britons.
In the mean time the Romans had betrayed Arthur forcing him to flee back to Armorica, then hearing of the news in Britain he sailed back to the Port of Rutupi.
Soon after he arrived Ambrosius sent his army to meet him but a force from Lothian lead by
Abinkiros who rejected Ambrosius's rule arrived first. Together they pursued Ambrosius's forces until they reached Winchester where a terrible
battle was fought where many died and Ambrosius, was forced to retreat to Clarence. He was chased to the river Cambula and after another terrible battle at Camalan
Arthur was mortally wounded by a blow to the head, however the remmanants of Ambrosius's
forces were routed, Ambrosius with his loyal guard with banners raised and trumpets sounding charged Arthurs line, and while
they were distracted the rest of the survivors of Ambrosius's forces fled. Ambrosius penetrated deep in to Arthurs lines and was knocked from his horse and trampled to death in the mud. Arthur was carried to the isle of Avalon where before he died gave the crown to Constantine MapCador Duke of Cornwall. . Arthurs final words. I have lived by the sword and in accordance with the proverb I have died by the sword. Indeed I would have rode in to the heart of Hades if that is where I could find my enemies. The strongest sword will break if it is struck enough times against a solid rock. And so the flower of Britains youth is dead on the fields of Camalan and Regin. But I am Arthur, I am the true king of Britons Ambrosius who I know of old despite his stolen crown was but a petty governor. For unlike him, I am a brave man, this is not a boast like you often hear from drunken fools, I have risked my life more than any man in Britain, I have always fought at the front for all to see, and until
now nobody has been able to strike me down. Ambrosius was content to sit idle upon his throne getting weaker and more foolish,
like a frightened horse he shied away from war when war came to the land because he was afraid. But when peace came to the land he was yet more afraid and in panic, and presuming I was dead subjected it once again to the scourge of war. I could no more submit to him than I could grow wings like a raven and fly, my warriors were given the freedom to desert me
before the end but they would not because they were not only loyal to me but to Britain.
For Ambrosius would not prosper because his throne was a stolen throne and consequently his stolen kingdom would crumble beneath him and the throne would fall
and throw him to the ground and the entire nation with him.
But if I had emerged victorious and unscathed from the battle, because I am the true king I would have ruled a great kingdom to be remembered through the ages.
A kingdom that Mighty nations would break against like waves. But now it is nothing but a passing dream and a fairytale. But it was inevitable because a dream and a tale of ancient glory is all I was armed with from the start. When I was young the Britons were a race looked down upon and sneered at by the who thought themselves our betters
and I was a simpleton ignored, indulged or the subject of mockery. But the dreams that I dreamed and the tales that I listened to were the dreams and tales
of our nation. And as Britain is not an idle or foolish nation our dreams and our tales were not and are not idle or foolish either.
If they were, then both they and I would have come to nothing, but they have not and I have not, though I have fallen through my own folly, they will not as long as they are not forsaken. . Constantine MapCador faced and defeated a rebellion by the Saxons. After him reigned Aurelius Conan, who was succeded by Wotiporius who defeated a Saxon invasion though conceding some land,
which was regained by his succsessor Malgo. After him ruled Filud king of Moreif of the line of Malin son of Maddan son of Lorrinius son of Brutus. I woke during the reign of his grandson Alexander son of Bapaxuavamos one hundred and fourteen years after the death of Arthur. . I had necklace of withered flowers around my neck, and on my lap. I realised that on the outside I had grown old, but internally I felt strangely young but still stiff and weak. In my skin and clothes people had carved pictures and runes some of them indecent, but luckily my skin smoothed out after a week. I walked aimlessly through the forest, the landscape was barely recognisable. There were many plants and trees and creatures that I did not recognise. After an hour or so, I came to a field, where at the far end was a thatched house. The owner of the hut saw me walking across the field and came up to me, but of course we could not understand each other. He took me to see the priest to see if I talked British, Latin or Greek. My clothes had aged and degraded so they thought that I was a shipwrecked foreigner. The man who found me who was called Aboyoxur took me in under his roof and I was taught the Baric language they spoke. Abyoxur was widowed but he had three daughters named Ahvowosis, OGIbobodis, and Enyoyosis and two sons
Abvontur and Avosay Agos. Despite my appearnace as an old man, my stiffness and weakness did not last long and I quickly became very fit and strong and was able to work as a Labourer for Abyoxur. Early one morning I was baptised in the stream by the church. Then I was asked to recite lords prayer. Ibs-say igus Idpofro Dgecyus Iqrus B'efrus Ilfexus Ibfeh'eyur Idhenpur Uc'exwur Agkur Ahbembur RishOG Ipur Aqdofpol Axbogmol Acmomtol Ibgodqomos Ucnebtol Agdemrur Isnotodos Icbotos Ugdumurod I was given church clothes, a very fine woolen cap and tunic and a hemp belt to be worn over the tunic and a thin light coat. These were to be worn to church, it was forbidden to wear them in combination with garments of mixed fibres or mixed fabric. The church was on the banks of a stream, it was plainly but solidly and skillfully made wood panelled building. The altar was an elaborately carved wooden table with a white cloth on top of which was a metal cross. In the right-hand corner there was a tall stone column with a fine wooden chair on top, they said it was a place for saints and angels to sit
and watch procedings. In the left-hand corner on a small table there was the sanctury lamp, should it go out it was only permitted for it to be relit from the flame
of another lamp from another church, becuase they burned with fire that was lit from a sanctury lamp in rome, that had not gone out since it was lit by an early martyr. On the walls there were descriptions of the stations of the cross accompanied by pslams, extracts from the scriptures or other
texts. The windows were unusual in Britain they were opaque, made of yellow alabaster that let through a warm light. Every morning at the hour after dawn, six days of the week, the people would come for morning prayers. The men would sit on the left and the women to the right. Every evening the women would go to evening prayers. On a Sunday mass would be held at noon. All the people wear their sunday clothes, for women it was long sleeved dark garments down to the ankles and a black headscarf. After the reading of the bible, the singing of psalms and the sermon the women would leave taking from underneath the altar a ciborium to take communion elsewhere. Then further hymns and pslams would be sung and the communion would be taken as chunks of bread and mugs of beer, brought from
beneath the altar. The curtains in front of the chancel would be closed and
everyone would stand, the men would remove their hats
and someone would go to the front and speak of any subject affecting the community
that the congregation would discuss. After mass extended famillies, or group of freinds would gather in each others houses to eat. On Sunday it was forbidden to eat meat but it was permitted to eat fish. On sunday it was also forbidden to eat in view of a non-Christian, or unless out of necessity
food that had been prepared by a non-christian. The thinking of the time was that it was a bad thing for people to devote themselves purely to either physical
labour or mental labour, everyone was expected to work with their hands and learn of things artistic, spiritual, poetic or scholarly.
For example labourers would commonly memorise large tracts of scripture, Most smiths would also be engravers, Carpenters would devote a portion
of their work to making religious or purely decorative objects, thatchers would often weave biblical scenes in to rooftops. Because of this attitude about half of the people were literate.
When I was not working I was taught to read by the old priest Aboyus Rish, I would go to his house and with a few others to read
the books from his library built up over generations, I struggled with the latin but many were in the strange language they spoke which I understood, especially the books of history. I was often asked where I had came from and what my language was, but I could never bring myself to say, partly because I was concerned they would
think I was mad and partly out of my own difficulty comprehending what had happened. . Easter On palm Sunday before Church
the people would gather carrying palm branches
that were usually Rowan or Hawthorn. At the head of the
procession to represent Jesus would be a donkey wearing a saddle
engraved with words from the gospels with a shabby unintelligible copy of the gospel of mark carefully tied on top. Attatched to the saddle were two ropes connected
to two lines line of six square boards on each was fixed
A broom dressed up like a priest, bishop or yeoman to represent
each disciple. Each plank was carried by the bottom close to the ground
by two people with hooked braches, On Easter Sunday the streets would be lined with flowers. In the morning there would be plays depicting King Arthur
defeating Morganna, Aurelius Ambrosius and the pink horse
of Mona, St Micheal defeating the devil and Hell being harried by Christ. Then there would be dancing in the streets for most the rest of the day. The players and dancers would be rewarded with eggs that had been
saved and buried over lent. . Every year on the first of May the Uffatos Obrosbus (who would today be called
something like " The lord of the manor" or "Squire" ) Sir Mar Mabor would open his house to all and provide a feast in their honour,
along with musicians for their entertainment. His house was built on higher ground than the rest of the local houses and the walls were plastered and whitewashed
on the outside with intermittent wooden panelling on the inside. The rooms were divided by patterned curtains with the hall in the center. The floors were tiled in an eccentric semi-chequred way with irregular tiles mostly red or black, but
but sometimes other random pieces of stone or clay. Underneath the tables and benches were fresh reeds. There were four tables, with stools at each end and benches on either side except the high table that was
narrower and only had one bench, facing the fire and the lower tables The high table where the wealtheier or more favoured sat along with Sir Mar Mabor
was actually higher than the others as half the hall was raised a foot higher than the other, where the floor
was covered by woolen rugs and animal skins. There they ate mostly game they had hunted themselves. In the center of the hall was the hearth, where only a small fire was lit,
for the food was roasted outside to avoid the build up of smoke as the chimney had yet to be invented. Two low tables were perpendicular to the high table and where most of the invited local population sat. We were served bread and dripping along with a random selection of roasted meat and chared vegitables.
A fourth smaller table was at the back where a small tribe of from the hills sat despite the fact there was enough room for them with the rest of us.
They were always cleary uncomfortable in the house but they turned up every year.
They were proud, dirty, unkempt and mysterious, they rarely spoke and only in their own language and among
themselves, the rest of the people never talked about them and treated them with a distant fearful respect, and
avoided avoided having anything to do with them. They were not the most gracious of guests, they would not touch the regular food offered to the guests so they
were offered other things cooked seperately, that I could never identify. Some of it their head man indicated they would not eat and so it was taken away and never seen again, and different food would be brought
that he might well reject again. It was considered impolite to start eating before everyone was served so to save the food from going cold the hill people were always sserved first, on the first time I attended it only
took ten minutes for the servants to satisfy their mysterious tastes, but on the second it took half an hour of trial and error to provide them
with acceptable meat that eventually was taken from the low tables causing us to go short, but nobody complained. When I asked Aboyoxur about them he just told me never to talk about them especially while they were present, these were my only encounters with them. Sir Mar favoured a band of musicians of Irish extraction, who played the lyre, harp, flute and drum, it was apparently both fashionable and deeply meaningful but not by standards modern nor ancient, tuneful. After the meal was finished they would strike up. The hill people would clench their fists and grit their teeth, pulling faces like they were in pain muttering to each
other and sometimes even shouting in dissaproval then they would melt in to the night with
such stealth and speed it was as if they had disappeared. After everyone was sure that they had gone and gone far away
about a third of those assembled would suddenly have somewhere else
they had to be, while the rest stoically remained to listen and drink. . Shearing There were a fair amount of sheep kept locally so the shearering was a big a occasion. After each sheep was sheared there were children who's job it was to clean the
cuts left from the shears and to treat them with a srange smelling tarlike mixture. It was also up to them to keep track of the small bits of wool left behind on the sheep, and for every
area of wool left on the sheep the size of a penny the shearer responsable would be fined a
After the shearing was over which took all day from before dawn to dusk the shearers would go down to the inn and
the money raised in fines would be spent on food and drink for the night,
and there was a lot of that lasting well in to the night. . On one occasion I went with a couple of Local famillies to the Famous Michealmas Market in London who were looking for higher quality farming equipment and possibly some luxuries while I went out of curiosity because I had never seen London.
It was a long jounery east, we rode on a cart for two days, sleeping under the stars
or under the wagon, before we arrived just outside London. In a tradition instigated by king Arthur, the guilds of London would on the land which they owned to the west of the city, set up a grand market around the feast of Michealmas, where the best of every craft from Britain and abroad, was to be sold there. The guilds would send members far and wide, searching for the best craftsmen either to take them or their wares back to London. But it was a rule that only the guild members could actually sell in their market. The guilds market was mostly made of tightly and squarely packed canvas stalls with tiles laid down on the floor on the many alleyways between the stalls to stop the floor becoming a mire, it was patrolled by wardens, who's duty it was to expell drunks and prevent swearing, theft and to prevent congestion, there was also a constant movement of porters carrying boxes to keep the stalls full, mostly either on their shoulders or heads sometimes the boxes were suspended from an overhead wire by a hook pulled along by ropes.
These wires formed a network over the market. Many of the stalls would in addition to exported goods had craftsmen producing their own goods in them so there was a constant noise of hammering and sawing, as well as the sound of animals and animals being butchered. A quarter of a mile to the North, the Kings market was held at the same time on some royal park land. The stalls were of course much grander and more genteel and so were the stall holders, who unike the others were always polite and never hurried. The goods on sale there were fruit and vegetables, ornaments, utensils and tools along with a few books. They were all high quality, but at prices that were a great source of derision among the poor. But the largest part of the market was "The Free Market" these were seperately run markets and stalls on the fields and in the towns near the guilds market, the larger the crowds the larger the market became and the larger the crowds became, so after over a century of this there were stalls lining the roads for miles, fields and greens sometimes a few miles away would be taken over by every type of enterprise you could imagine. There were people from far and wide from every station of life. There was singing and dancing in the streets, either for money, pure enjoyment, or as part of rituals I did not understand.
Many people wore white shirts, some decorated with bells and ribbons, others decorated with brightly coloured words sewn on to the fabric.
The fashion at that time was to wear conical hats of straw or leather that curled in to a spiral on top. I saw several groups of people dressed in this manner happily playing skipping games, I gathered this was of some symbolic importance, but my command of the British language was too poor for me to understand what. Anyone who could afford to was dressed in bright colours and marvelous designs At nearly every corner there would be a busker usually with a drum. On Michealmas day there was not enough room in the local churches, but crowds would form outside them, and clergy men would come out and bless them, there would be sermons held in fields but most of the people gathered round would not be able to hear a word for the size of the crowd. We found a place to camp, among a throng of a thousand other tents and wagons, staying there five days, it was a more remarkable place than the country is ever likely to see again.
We sold a about dozen square yards of sackcloth which we had brought with us hearing it was usually in demmand there.
Together we brought seven rams, three almanacs, ten large sickles, one cockerell, one hen, two spades, several decorated knives, a roll of patterned cloth, one book of sermons, a few other items which I forget and an agreeable slave called Ledger who came from Northern France. . Christmas was a strange time. On the day before Christmas the preperations for Christmas day began
at about eight the carol singing and drinking began along with it. After church on chirstmas day, no one would eat everyone would put on cloaks and
wander the countryside until nearly dusk. There would be mock pilgramage sites of all kinds to visit scattered througout the countryside
the memory of where they were and which place they were represented was kept
by the old people,
there were places like Drentimos, The Church Of The Holy Sepluchure,
the Holy Temple, Damascus, Helenilius and the shrines of countless saints
Some were trees decorated by ribbons and beads, some were temporary strctures made out of sticks, others were completely unmarked and sometimes there was uncertainity where they were. Everyone would return very tired and hungry so Christmas dinner was always
hurried but very welcome.
The Celebrations would continue in a much less restrained way until epiphany.
There would be a great deal of drinking and a fair amount of food.
There would be great outlandish colourful plays that I never really understood but were
enjoyed mostly by the older people.
A great deal was made of the feeding of the poor, though there was very little
distinction between who was poor and who wasn't. On the first or second Sunday an address to the nation
written by the king on Christmas day would be read out in church as had been done when Arthur ruled. . It was the custom for the king to travel extensively across the kingdom. Once he passed by not far from our village, and many of us went to see him. It was followed by six
mighty carrriages pulled by piebald mares,
which were followed by servants on foot who were
followed by a crowd of onlookers. . I liked it in that village and I would have stayed but for the nightmares. On the first night I arrived in the house of Aboyoxur, I dreamt I was walking around the ruined city, the rubble formed strange geometric shapes. I walked in to the ruins of a house and in the corner was a clay jar.
It cracked in to pieces and I opened my eyes and looking over me was a dark yellow creature with skin like an eel. It's upright body was dived in to two cylindrical sections with holes in the middle.
and around each central hole were four smaller holes.
The intersection of the body was marked with a black upside down 'T'.
The top section was about half the size as the bottom one and was somewhat squashed and deformed, it merged into a long wide bulging neck
on top of which was a small head with a large muzzle and black eyes on either side. On each side of both of the sections of the body were writhing tentacles each with a small hole in the middle. From its lower extremities was a black horses tail that twithched from time to time.
It opened it's mouth just enough to show the top of it's black gums covered in saliva and without moving
it's lips it crowed in a high growling voice:
"You're not supposed to be here!" I would often dream of that creature which I dreaded, but it never spoke again. Another night I dream of an insect like creature about twice the size of a mouse, it's body was a single segment, furry and striped like a bee.
At it's neck it had something like a cross between a butterfly's wings and human ears about the size of my hand with a paatern of blue and
yellow, that it flapped sporadicaclly.
It's head was blackish and it had huge round eyes with a pink tinge to them
It had antennae as long as my finger and a sharp needle as long as my hand comming from the front of it's head where it's mouth should have been, I dreamt it slithered and jumped around the room humming and buzzing, until it jumped in to my chest and stuck there with it's stiff hairs, then it stabbed it's needle in to my shoulder.
I woke up with a feeling like my shouldr had been stabbed with a knife, it was covered with a huge puple bruise and I could not use my arm properly
for five days.
Sometimes I would dream I was standing in a circle of what I knew to be severed heads impaled on wooden stakes with sacks over them, some new, some
old. Every time I would approach one, the head would move under the sack, each with their own horrible voice would tell me to get back. In my presence strange things would happen usually when I was alone, sometimes sacks of flour would explode or things would fall from shelves of hooks,
dogs would suddenly go mad running in circles and howling then lying with their paws over their head.
Because of my constant nightmares which increased in fequency as time went on, I became more and more tired and distressed until I could no longer work.
I would wander around in a daze sometimes falling asleep having another dream then waking.
Aboyoxur and his familly eventually dispared of me and took me to see the priest, I had refused to talk to him about my troubles before
because I knew he would ask about my past.
I was left alone with the priest and I told him about my past and my dreams, he grew very grave and said I may be past help, and should have talked to him sooner.
He made me wear a robe of crow feathers and told me to hold one end of a wooden staff while he held the other.
For an hour he recited prayers.
Psalmus cantici, in die sabbati.
Bonum est confiteri Domino, et psallere nomini tuo, Altissime.
Ad annuntiandum mane misericordiam tuam, et veritatem tuam per noctem;
in decachordo, psalterio, cum cantico, in cithara. etc..
then he left me alone to pray by myself.
Not long after a darkness filled the room. A fathomless, terrible, black being manifested itself. You have crossed the bounds laid down for you it said. I had foreited my natural immunity to the attacks of the forces of darkness. It told me I could no longer be allowed walk the earth because my predestined time was over. It said "You must die and I am going to kill you, I will turn you back in to stone and smash you to pieces." The darkness advanced from the four corners of the room. I cast of my cloak of feathers grabbed two rolls of parchment from the corner of the room and three pencils and I ran out of the door. The town was much the same as when I went in, but tiny details were different. People's cloaks and hats had unearthly moving patterns on them and a new building had appeared from nowhere.
People looked at me strangely as I ran in a sort of trance.
As I ran from the town the land produced strange apparitions and then the apparitions became new land. With my pencils and parchment I described the apparitions I saw in writing and as they became text they dissapeared but so did the land.
I wrote in a hurried mixture of Latin, abrreivated Baric and my own native runes.
Terrible creatures chased me, hunters with great golden horns, invisible unstoppable essences.
They appeared faster than I could write, and as they became text then land then unearthly beings again I lost track of which was which.
I fled down strange paths, roads and fields I had never seen before, in a waking dream, frantically trying to write legibly
because I knew it was my only protection.
I saw a man and a woman with the heads of dogs satnding naked.
I saw a terrible blood red sphere in a hollow on the ground, I saw six foot deer running in the hundreds jumping miles in to the sky.
I crossed a small stone bridge over a stream by a mill, there was a muddy miller standing by the road in a straw hat. "Hurry up, or they'll get you." he warned helpfully
I saw a young woman with a white head scarf and a basket of straw.
When she saw me from a distance she began screaming and she did not stop until I passed her, then she began swearing at me.
I looked over my shoulder and she fled.
I ran with an unearthly speed panting but never quite out of breath, the ground seemed to fall away from my feet.
I saw fences of spiked stakes with wagon wheels rolling on top.
I was driven in to a castle, the central courtyard that was covered by a great dome in the center was a black shpere that emitted darkness, the walls were pure
white and emitted light, they collided forming stripes and translucent fish than swam through the air.
The sphere spoke and I began to run around the outside wall.
I could run no further and I knew I would be taken.
But I saw some people by a hole in the wall beckoning, I ran to them and we went through the hole.
We slammed the door and bolted it covering it with earth and rubble so it would stay closed.
Now I was inside my own writing, I was contained inside the parchment I held, the world that I had hurridly written down had absorbed me. Septemsublim I BBFS byxpb ccxm. I was contained, trapped within my own writing. The earth and dreams that I had conqured with words, surrounded me. The land, the terror and the spirits, all guarded me from those outside.
It was as solid as earth a world in parchment totally in thrall to the words. The people with me were knights of wandering spirit as they explained to me, their names
were: Lancelot, Accolon, Esclabor, Lamorac, Lucan, Pelleas, Tristan and Bedivere.
They rode fine horses from the stable of king Arthur
They determinedly searched for but could not find the holy grail.
The sun went up and went down, undisturbed by noise or movement.
That at last in to the dark earth a man went at a desperate speed, he had slaves hanging upside down
tied up with rope and wrapped in sacks.
He dissapeared with an oath in to the grass.
Accolon called to him.
And from the soil a muffled word was heard.
The earth split in two, a clear tentacle grabbed the boot of Accolon then
four savage dogs grabbed his legs and took him underground.
The four dogs tied him up and hung him upside down with the twelve others,
so they could drain their blood, then pull them down and tear them to pieces.
Then the chasm then filled up with darkness.
Lancelot said that I must tear those evil spirits from my parchment,
which I did.
The torn off piece of parchment became a piece of turf.
A comet fell from the sky in to the chasm.
I saw a head of a great knight that commanded
vines from the ground
to grow across the chasm then at the knights command the vines became
a field.
We wandered away.
We saw a great group of slaves who dived to the ground and turned in to smoke,
which became a mirage which took the form of a tribe of ghosts that floated back along the road
that became Four knights who rode towards us.
They stopped at the outskirts of a city at about noon.
A knight rode through the clear blue sky with a sack full of food and wine .
I read of a magical desert far away,
in the center of which is a holy fire tended to by a man for who the knight was bringing food.
A robin sang high and low.
Then the birds of the earth, tunefully singing flew together.
The sound of golden bells peirced the air.
A good shepherd see's the sunrise.
A hermit in a cave beside the sea sings to his staff.
The bats above learn his words by heart.
The holy mare carries the world on her back.
The workmen are weary digging the mighty furrows,
but the heathen souls flatten them.
In the twilight we met happy Jack grenadier
He sang of the blue of the sky and the breezes off the fields,
while he danced in his golden boots.
He wore Green trousers and socks with robins on them.
He stopped by the foam of the lake and through his hat to the lady there.
He lived in a house built in to the purple hill where the Dozemary
sprang from the earth among the weeds.
A terror sezied us and we turned and fled,
many unseen horrors came down and chased us across a terrible unearthly plain.
A black knight on a horse, lead by a squire walked away in to the distance.
The knights began to chase a ghostly deer,
but they talked of a red boar they would rather catch.
A cleansing wind along the road, taking away our weariness.
Get up call your hounds and travel until you are weaery it said.
Talk of your travels they asked Spenser.
I have wandered all over the land said he.
Because everywhere I turned I found trouble,
I was driven to travelling.
In Regged near Carlisle,
I sat on the barren ground. By a cottage, from a clear stream on the mountain there is a
Foutain of water like white wine.
Better than food
or honey.
There I lay down and had this sad dream.
Two rivers of holy fire flowed around me and
I ran towards a blue forest.
There between two pretty blue trees I rested and
sad thoughts filled my mind.
When the good animals told me to go back to my familly.
On the fifth of November I rember most clearly,
I returned to my country and met my wife there.
I returned the town of my youth and I relived the past.
Then my children flocked around me chattering, to drive care away.
Like birds of a feather together we'll stay.
And I'll stay comfortably at home from now on.
I ran through the garden to my pretty door, rich or poor I sang
I'm as well off as a rich man with feasting and all,
staying well away from the road .
The knights appreciated the tale and told their own.
In search of the holy grail they travelled through land and sea in search of its resting place
in a pool of burning water.
They barginned with the animals, rocks and the queen of the air to tell them where it was
and served them in return for directions.
It was kept in Shallot, on its island of Lyonesse not far from Cornwall. Lancelot knew well Elaine of shallot. On the banks of the river men tilled the soil and reaped,
but the grass grew long across the plain.
He rode along the winding roads through the fields,
the labourers saluted the knight of the king of Camelot.
While the people went about their mysterious business.
The reeds they fashioned in to many charming boats,
the boatmen not knowing or caring of the buring pond as they passed Shalott.
As the wind shook the golden barely she waved to the ploughmen on the path as
the wind blew little eddies
in the water by
the high banks as the river rushed past,
singing songs on the way to Camelot.
Four grey golems stood at the corners the castle each armed with a stone truncheon,
each one a hero of the nation.
But they pricked with a needle the lady of Shalott.
From among the water lillies her ghost rose up and floated over the fields.
Then she dragged the island in to the sea and she was taken away by a man on a horse. Who took her and her castle away up through a pond
below the boats going to and from Camelot.
He dragged her to a horrible campfire and said he would burn her,
but she flew away in her tower.
And the land cried out to her,
Where are the children of Shalott?
Scattered in the air beneath the ground on the earth and other places. But the knights could not find them. Though Elaine would call to Lancelot, then disapear in to the black rock. A Navy sailing under a fair wind, caring not of right and wrong, looting and pillaging as they went. At the end of the estuary at the break of day they arrived at port. A hag on a grey horse rode outside,
trotting around and around on the grass,
Weaving a terrible black net around the ship,
until her horse threw her off on to the ground. She tore her coat and twisted her ankle,
she mounted two horses with one saddle and set of reigns between them
Each one ran with its twelve legs,
towards the king, the queen and their retinue. The horses went crazy at the sight of their army so the hag cried and rode away putting the spurs in as she went. Then the people could celebrate in peace.
They sat and talked to one another.
And four passed around the bottle.
The tide came in and out as it rained.
A terrible burning comet fell to earth destroying the town. I raised my hands to my face to protect myself from the blast an ocean of fire came to our feet,
that forced us to run back to where Accolon died.
The chasm opened up again and spat out the victims in a cloud of fire,
they fell to the ground, stumbling then were tripped by a rope.
A mist covered them and they screamed oaths as the grass cut in to them, then
all but one burnt to nothing.
The remaining knights sang a sad song for Accolon.
They sang that the giant fish had eaten him.
The fire of life had returned to its home.
With the ploughman at the bottom of the sea.
On white wings above the earth, with the siprit of the queen of heaven. As she sings to guide the traveller.
To get up and bring her good cheer.
In the inclement weather.
Or in the light of the sun.
Or beneath the earth and when we are gone.
He was a brave warrior for his people,
in the black savage lands of the Gododdin.
The one surivor got up and raised his red hat
and introduced himself as Zebedee.
He was before in a green grave, brought there in a fight against three wicked knights.
Who with mighty curses had chased him until
one word from them had sent him to the grave and then to here.
From the earth came one of those knights, blue from decay.
Who chased poor Zebedee away, back in to the solid grey walls of the graveyard.
When it was light Esclabor told me to look at the reflection of the sky.
I was blinded by a mysterious light, when I looked back, I saw a ghostly castle ahead of me, I saw two men on horses ride
through the walls and away.
Chased by twelve ghostly hunters, hooves pounding against the ground,
they went around the wall of the city of the dead.
Then the pursuers went through an open gate
to the island of shallot and the holy grail.
The two hunted men on horses trotted back and forth then they stopped as the
twighlight began to fall.
A soldier dressed in red came from the earth with blood coming from his helmet, the
earth disapeared beneath him.
Rubus Corvus was a centurion of York, a great warrior but a good man.
Nine hunters came down from Caledonia , they tore through the walls of york and they burnt and raided the city, as the people and guards all fled.
They ran amock causing chaos until they stopped at the garrison.
They had come to set eyes on Rubus Corvus because he was known throughout the land.
They were covered in small blue flames.
the chief held a great golden sword beautifully engraved.
He had forged it for Rubus Corvus to trade for his old battered broken helmet.
The centurion refused the offer so the chief tried to lever it off with his sword,
and the Centurion in fear for his life cut of his head.
The chief picked up his head and went back to the blue mountains
merrily inviting Corvus to come to Pritusmoer, to see the great martial contests held every evening there.
Still fighting the ancient battles of wicked Dureyroitos. Rubus Corvus rode after him, from a distance he saw the sword glinting in the sun from the top of
a hill, when he reached hill himself he saw the Pict wildly charging across the plain to the mountains wih his sword raised in the air. In his pursuit on the rocky road the old soldier fell and broke his neck.
Twelve warriors came to Corvus sent by Dureyroitos, who sliced his bleeding neck.
Dureyroitos dismounted laughing and took off his own bloody head, which said they should swap. His twelve men took Corvus to Pritusmoer, and dressed him as a Briton. It was a bleak and strange land. A great tree trunk fell and bounced off Dureyroitos who swung his sword and chased it away.
Corvus, bravely got up and angrily complained to Dureyroitos for bringing him there.
But you see in this pleasant land said Dureyroitos the soldiers can throw their spears and
charge at each other without ever stopping.
He raised his sword against his neck and laughingly ran it back and forth to demonstrate.
Ten mules carry my all my wealth, he said.
They are over loaded and won't go unless they are whipped,
But now it's time for us to leave on the yellow brick road.
The road went under abridge it had three arches, in the central one was the road and the other two contained pits with underground streams running through,
the spirits of long ago lingered around it.
A great giant lay atop
and becme clear as the rain or as mud.
They left for the lands of the Tribuit,
the thousand knights rode hell for leather away to the distance.
A huge swarm of wasps crowded round the bridge obsucring it from view so I ran.
Off the edge of the world I had written and to the four winds,
which blew me over the land.
It was on a May morning
that I was brought to earth by a thorn bush.
It was by a babbling stream,
I was weary of wandering and went to rest on the broad bank.
As a lay a dream took me away.
A gentle breeze blew me in along strange paths I saw jolly labourers
as I passed.
A ghostly hunter dressed in grey rode furiously across the plain.
I saw a pillar of fire rise up on a hill.
Which became a great tower with a noble master,
who watched the great green plain from on high.
He was guarded by a smaller more threatening black castle at the bottom.
I saw good and bad across the land,
I saw many poor labouring men arguing with traders at the market.
I saw them wearliy toil in the fields with scythes.
I saw the wind shake the fields of burning barley,
that I saw the wasters waste.
I saw vain women dress themselves in rich fabric then talk like they were saints.
I saw noble people who took solace from God almighty,
monks and hermits in their caves, cloisters and cells.
I saw evil men go up and down the highways.
I saw scribes copying scriptures.
I saw a white knight wandering I saw poets and artisans wandering also.
I took the parchment in my hand and tore it in to a thousand pieces. . II. DBX BSRP NHN I was in a great firey castle I thought. Or so it was written by a scribe,
who also wrote of the mounted knights of king Arthur
riding over a land of green mounds. They were hailed by an archer leaning on his bow. Accolon hailed him back. Then two boots ran to Accolon by themselves,
and looking for food from a hundred miles around came grey wolves who surrounded the knights and knocked them to the ground and dragged
their leader in to a dark cave.
Where they rejoiced at their catch, I turned the page as they advanced around him with thier teeth bared.
There was a great field around me with holes where were planted seeds good and bad.
I thought I would travel further and cross that field towards the smoke I could see in the far distance.
But I could not keep a straight line and I came to a strange place, where people thought it was fine to camp on the roads and paths watched over by a castle on a hill.
Where kinghts flocked like birds to enter, throughout the sky singing happily of their nests and the comfort and light from their humble hearths where they make toast.
While the birds, feather their nests and gather sticks from the forest,
as they sing raising and lowering their golden beaks.
Heard by the shepherds tending their sheep,
as the sun sets majestically, and the field mice in their nests sing evensong,
guarded by the yeomen of the guard. There was an old man called Mary Moses who stood happilly with a flagon of wine,
in a green ditch, dressed in foxes tails from neck to foot.
By his blue door in the side of the hill where the Dozemary
gave way to a foul impassable mire.
His terrible dragon lived somewhere far out over it.
Reynard startled and yelped at the sight of the man and bolted.
To his nest, through his chimmney sticking from the ground.
I wandered on away from there.
I sat down on a great hill,
with three gypsy kings having a feast.
They told stories and sang songs, while people would come and go as they pleased.
Boudica passed by on a chariot of air pulled by stone horses. Then we saw lancelot ride the sun to Elaine of shallot,
on her far off green hill.
The gypsy kings raised their swords to Camelot,
In among the water lillies.
as the dim light of dusk covered the land, Elaine held her leafy rod beneath the shade of the oaks,
from which spang a stream that ran among the hills
swiftly down to Camelot
and through the kings forest to the north,
where the willows touch the banks.
And the horses pull crowded barges back and forth to Camelot,
While the queen watched from her high tower.
What does she see of this, the lady of Shalott? On her fading lands
in her dissapearing castle
in her city hidden between the fire and the ash,
tossed between the skies and the earth.
One of the kings had a she wolf who got up and padded around
as a doxy dressed in dark blue and yellow feathers approached.
She came towards the six kings,
startling all the horses.
But she cried and ran away,
because two guarding wolves disliked her and chased her, snapping at her dress.
She tripped on a stone, hit her head and the wolves caught her,
an ocean of her blood came up to the tents.
I put my hands over my eyes in horror. Four giants waded past on the way to the grave of Accolon,
as they sang their lament for him.
While milking their cows,
the milkmaids sent fire shooting across the night sky
An old Pict fell on the floor with a curse,
on the foothills of a great white mountain,
at seeing the royal army of golden warriors
defeated by the Gododdin
on his green coat.
He heard the desperate retreat sounded,
then the Pict was chased down and put to the sword.
When it is morning said Esclabor,
a ghostly castle will appear guarded by two beasts who will chase away anyone who approaches.
It will be attacked by an army of a hundred who will die and return as ghosts,
who will come back to life and attack again and again until their spirits are tossed to the
four winds by a piece of silver,
which Rubus Corvus will bring from York, him being a great warrior and a fair man. Rubus Corvus is also a wrestlter of great renknown,
but someone will cut off his head in a fight.
He will be fighting against eight but will kill seven
and Corvus will behead Dureyroitos first.
See it is written in the path.
He went away on the yellow road on the dark flint land,
with a giant hopping away.
The sea washed up against the sky soaking the parchment making it as clear as the rain or as mud and
creating a road to the Tribuit.
A thousand ghostly knights rode along it,
a huge swarm of wasps crowded around the bridge obsucring it from view so I ran,
taking the parchment in my hand and tearing it in to a thousand pieces. . III DWP LMMM bwtqw
The noble steeds of king Arthur were
grazing on the green hills.
They started at a shout from the farmhand,
who called their names that were those of knights:
Lancelot, Accolon, Esclabor, Lamorac, Lucan, Pelleas, Tristan and Bedivere.
The noble steeds of of king Arthur,
who had fallen in the search for the holy grail.
and now grazed the green hills.
A poor weary miner covered in muck walked past.
He asked a thousand people for food but his soul was carried off by the the hound of death
to Hades.
Where he was dressed it fine clothes covered in foreign text and given a sword by the devil,
And he delighted in evil, by the curtains around the gates of hell.
From then on he wandered the earth with the lost souls,
coming and going with the wind and
turning the nations astray.
Under the comand of the giant knight ofthe tower at the crossrads on the hill who wore many feathers,
who sang happily under the blue sky
and travelled the earth at twilight leaving food outside peoples doors,
accompanied by the birds of the forest,
guided by the moles.
and guarding the poor while they slept.
An old man called cat o' nine tails came to him.
Landing on his his ramparts riding a robin.
by the ashy entrance to hades where the dozemary
flowed away bitter.
But a demon came and took him away to the lands of a wise king, who feasting with
the three wandering Magi.
They told stories and sang songs and people would come and go as they pleased.
but they were all destroyed by sulfur from a beast of hell.
Lancelot appeared as a golden shade to Elaine of shallot,
on her far off green hill.
He raised three hills beneath him,
from Among the water lillies.
She became a golden oak tree and as the people gathered around,
from her rootssprang a stream that ran among the hills and
that flooded Camelot.
Lancelot went away on the yellow road on the flint land.
I saw a giant hopping away.
The sea washed up against the sky soaking the parchment making it as clear as the rain or as mud,
creating the road to Tribuit.
A thousand ghostly knights rode along,
a huge swarm of wasps crowded round the bridge obsucring it from view so I ran.
As I ran the parchment in my hand was torn in to a thousand pieces. . IIII.
On mild green hills.
the tree man cried out.
There were squirels in his hair called:
Lancelot, Accolon, Esclabor, Lamorac, Lucan, Pelleas, Tristan and Bedivere.
Some knights came to help,
they ill-advisedly advanced with fire.
The tree man shrank in to the ground at the sight of fire, his leaves shrivelled up
and he pulled the turf over himself.
He asked a thousand people for help but his soul was carried off by the the hound of death
On his black horse the lord knight turned back home,
I turned several pages at once and got paper cut
and bandaged it with the parchment containing the knights front door.
So they had to wander instead I imagined.
The land was blown away,
to a new earth
of unearthly proportions inside a cloud
that danced happily through the sky.
Where everyone was warm and well fed,
and the birds of the forest
and the smallest rodent.
were kept safe and humble
by an old man called Billy bones.
A wandering poet called spenser wrote this about him:
He has walked away from earth,
turned his back and went away from that detestable place.
He has thought himself over the edges and away.
In Regged near Carlisle,
dull Bad lands are found.
But from a rock comes a castle made of water from a fountain
that becomes a cloud that tastes like wine.
But there I must sadly conclude,
for words cannot catch fish,
nd blood comes not from sunsets.
And sad old men don't appreciate my verse.
The feathery clouds above,
Illuminated by the ghost of the queen of heaven can sing
to the travellers soul better.
But now she sends rain to drive me away.
But will return with sun,
to shine upon the earth.
Three spirits went away,
a golden king and two knights, across the land and among the people.
To see the desolation upon them.
A happy red faced man stood before them
and knocked the two knights down
with horrid oaths.
Then he Jumped up and down with apopoplexy,
until he was killed with a silver sword.
Three grave old men took him away to the place of death,
and a pleasant word came to rest upon the spot.
A chainmail headdress came from nowhere.
followed by twelve more who went to hunt the lost holy grail,
confounded by a hundred dreams that guarded it.
They besiged the walls and could not get in so they left.
Two mirrors faced each other on the floor.
A legionary sadly dreamed.
Rubus Corvus was a centurion of York, a great warrior but a fair man.
Nine Picts came from Caledonia,
they ran amock causing chaos until they stopped at the garrison.
They had come to set eyes on Rubus Corvus because he was known throughout the land.
They were naked, covered in woad.
the chief had a great bronze spear beautifully engraved on his head.
He had forged it for Rubus Corvus that he would give it to him if he could beat him in a fight.
The centurion refused so the chief tried to kill him,
but the centurion cut off his head.
the head rose up and galloped away to the misty blue mountains of Pritusmoer chased
by weary legionaries.
The body unable to walk writhed furiously and grabbed and maimed all who approached
then cut it itself to pices and in a ball of flame went to join its head,
killing every legionary in its path.
It took the heads of eight civillians and twelve solidiers.
But they were restored by a pictish bard on a magic horse with profuse apologies,
who then rode in to the earth with twelve ghosts
and a valliant curse against the devil.
With their white clubs raised high the picts then returned to their homes.
With twelve horses, having been bargining in the markets for wine to load them with.
But they were very drunk and fell off their steeds on to the road
of dark sandstone and wandered in circles.
The road went under a bridge, it had three arches, in the central one was the road and the other two contained pits with underground streams runnig through.
the spirits of long ago lingered around it.
They went away to a great mountain where sat a shepherd.
The blue sky met the blue sea and they tied themselves to the land,
and became more clear than the rain or the mud,
which guided them home.
A thousand miles in the the distance
a huge swarm of wasps crowded round the bridge obsucring it from view so I ran.
The parchment began to turn to smoke,
I was taken over a long road. It was on a May morning
on a hill with a poison tree.
I was weary of wandering and went to rest on a broad bank.
The sun came down and turned it to smoke.
I Kenned John Peel with his coat so grey.
Being burnt at the stake on another hill,
who became a great tower with a noble master
that I saw the wasters ruin.
I saw the wicked queen weave the saints in to a coat,
but who's souls were taken to the kingdom of heaven.
I saw evil men go up and down the highways,
I saw scribes copying scriptures.
I saw a white knight wandering,
I saw poets and artisans wandering also.
I took the parchment in my hand and tore it in to a thousand pieces. . V. vgrp bhvqd qgnm,
I was driven to the castle.
In to the walls and the floor,
then up to the mighty rafters
and to the dark chimney.
A merciful wind blew me through the thatch and in to the daylight.
I fell and bounced up from the springy grass.
A woodsman called out
to the knights hunting in the forsest called:
Lancelot, Accolon, Esclabor, Lamorac, Lucan, Pelleas, Tristan and Bedivere.
Riding along the winding paths
on the trail of a prey they could not catch.
A man dressed in grey made of mud sprang on them and took them to his lair with a hundred others.
They were found by a mole,
Who knawed through their bonds.
And dug them an exit from the lair,
so they wandered away to
where I could not find them,
to a mystical land.
that I could not fathom but where there they could rest.
I saw them feasting in the sky,
waited on while they sat around the fire,
by the birds of the forest,
Who were drawn on the ancient walls of the cave men,
as they guarded the earth.
With their merry old prophet John Barelycorn.
A wandering poet called spenser wrote this about him:
He ran away,
In a fright back and forth until he evapourated.
and his spirit was blown away.
In Regged near Carlisle,
dull Bad lands are found.
But from a rock comes a castle made of water from a fountain
that becomes a cloud that tastes like wine.
But it is no good for words on parchment
and it washed down an elephant for us to eat.
The queen of hearts made jam for the weary people.
who lived in a bleak blue valley and who complained and groaned.
A white cloud hid the hill from view
and a fire burned inside it that praised the queen of hearts,
for refreshing weary travellers in that way.
But she died of old age and it went away,
Singing her praise towards the sun.
And she was buried.
Three wanderers climbed down from the hill and went away,
Weary but noblely follwed by an army
who brought terror to the land.
A red man got up and raised his hat and was killed by wicked knights,
with horrid oaths.
A trapdoor opened a fire came out burning one.
A blue spear came from the land and killed another.
Three grave old men took them away to the place of death.
Who spoke of dawn approaching, by the light of the moon in the sky.
And the stars that were once men chased away by the coming of day.
The sun, the moon and stars all guarded the people from evil.
The stars kept everyone out.
Two mirrors faced each other on the floor.
A lonely legionary sadly dreamed.
of Rubus Corvus a centurion of York, a great warrior but a fair man.
Who fought a battle underground
with many small subterainian firey blue dragons
He captured them with a silver rope, then fought a savage red headed man.
Corvus cut off his head and wandered to Pritusmoer with twelve soldiers dressed in silver armour
One was killed by a demon on the way, another when the earth shook and opened beneath him.
His magical horse threw him off and recited poetry at dawn.
and cursed him angrily.
Twelve more horses climed the hill where they were and they sang and danced.
The soldiers were confounded and complaining they left,
on a side road of black and yelllow to another land.
the road went under a bridge it had three arches, in the central one was the road and the other two contained pits with underground streams running through them,
the spirits of long ago lingered around it.
A giant picked them up and put them down far away.
The blue sky met the blue sea and they tied themselves to the land
and became as clear as rain or mud.
And they took the road back to york, a thousand miles in the the distance.
A huge swarm of wasps crowded round the bridge obsucring it from view so I ran.
The parchment began to turn to smoke,
I was taken over a long road.
It was on a May morning,
on a hill with a poison tree,
I was weary of wandering and went to rest.
The sun set and the dream world I was in went away,
the prospect of aging and death crossed my mind. In the setting sun I saw a hollow tube in the sky leading to another land.
There was a great and holy tomb,
that I saw some vandals destroy.
I saw some young women defiling it.
I dreamt I saw a holy castle in the sky.
I saw the days go by as the devil reigned.
I saw scribes weariy copying scriptures,
I saw a white knight wandering.
I saw poets and artisans wandering too.
I took the parchment in my hand and tore it in to a thousand pieces.
. VI bnqg bfh*y brzqm, I was made king of the castle.
I climbed up on to the roof in to the tunnel.
A dark knight rose from the chimney in a cloud of smoke.
Then a clean wind blew
and blew him over the hills.
He was stopped by the cliffs of Shallot, In the seaweed was Lyonesse.
On the coast of Cornwall,
lancelot sung to Elaine of Shallot.
On the sodden earth a farmer was engaged with luncheon,
when he should have been gathering the reeds
that grew in a great strip across the world,
under mighty oaks from Camelot.
The people came and went with never a word,
among the water weeds. The ships went through
the channel by the cliff of the island of Shalott.
A word from a sailor stopped in mid air and became a bush,
It grew horses heads who called out these names:
Lancelot, Accolon, Esclabor, Lamorac, Lucan, Pelleas, Tristan and Bedivere.
Then there came squires to groom them.
Some wicked hunters came then.
They killed the squires and the bush withered and pulled up its roots.
A hundred horses were killed eaten and buried.
They were found by a mole.
Who ate what remained carving their bones in to swords to fight the devil.
And they fought at the mouth of hell
I wandered to I know not where.
I stopped far away.
I was guided to a strange country.
Then to a tower in the middle of a cross-roads,
while the robins above sang merrily,
waited on while they sat around the fire
by the birds of the forest,
who were drawn on the ancient walls of the ancient men,
as they guarded the earth.
With their merry old prophet Union Jack,
a wandering poet called spenser wrote this about him:
I have travelled all over, lead by an evil urge to roam where I should not.
My spirit way compelled to turn away from my native earth.
In Regged near Carlisle,
I sat down exhausted.
The rock I sat upon rose above the sea to the foot of a ghostly castle,
where I was given ghostly wine.
But it made me learn ancient and terrible things which struck me down.
A fish came down and said it would eat me.
A handmaid dropped her jam and sent it flying to earth.
The old man of the north below cursed her for it.
His head was taken away by a cloud.
The smoke of a fire brought up the sound of a bardess,
who spoke of wandering minstrels.
But she faded and went down again.
Along the yellow brick road,
she was buried.
Many lost souls came and went,
a great warrior raised from them an army,
Who brought terror to the land.
Union jack on a hill dressed in red
fell down to the bottom
and with a word he drove away the army,
and built tall gates of fire,
then went to the mountains.
Solemn and protected.
But these are happier day he said, because the moon protects us, and the shining hunters are near but are further now.
A hundred walls and a mighty army guard us now.
But many try and fail to enter.
Two mirrors faced each other on the floor.
A lonely legionary sadly dreamed.
Of Rubus Corvus a centurion of York, a great warrior but a fair man, the
terror of the beastly picts.
He boldly removed the head from the soldiers of Pritusmoer and put that land to the sword,
but a spear penetrated his head.
He got up with an evil word
and in retaliation he slew twelve drunken picts.
But he had to stop and go the land of the dead.
On the yellow brick road andaway from the world.
The road went under a bridge it had three arches, in the central one was the road and the other two contained pits with underground streams running through,
the spirits of long ago lingered around it.
Galahat skipped away in to the distance.
The blue sky met the blue sea and they tied themselves to the land
and became as clear as rain or mud and went also along that road.
The ghosts of a hundred warriors followed in pursuit,
a huge swarm of wasps crowded round the bridge obsucring it from view so I ran.
I was tired of this existence.
I was taken over a long road.
It was on a May morning
on a hill with a poisoned thorn tree.
I was weary of wandering and went to rest on a broad bank.
I looked down upon the earth but then it turned to smoke.
I took the parchment in my hand and tore it in to a thousand pieces. . VII.
I was in a castle, with great firey walls and an inpeneterable gate.
That I had hasitly written down previously, for I was contained in my own writing
safe from those outside. A cleansing wind blew me through the thatch of the castle
and in to the light of day,
I fell and bounced up from the grass.
I was on a grassy hill grazed by noble looking horses.
But all suffering from some injury or other.
A forester called out to the knights hunting in the forsest called:
Lancelot, Accolon, Esclabor, Lamorac, Lucan, Pelleas, Tristan and Bedivere. Some were out among the green hills that stretched out in to the distance.
I was hailed by Accolon leaning on his bow,
I turned to see a poor weary miner covered in dust pass by.
He split the earth with his pickaxe and grabbed Accolon,
but Accolons hounds chased the miner away.
They chased him to a dark cave,
full of vampire bats that drank his blood
and so he became a vamipre also.
And he delighted in hanging upside down at the mouth of the cave,
I turned to the other side of the parchent at the sight of his teeth.
I saw kinghts advancing with fire,
the tree man shrank in to the ground at the sight of fire, his leaves shrivelled up
and he pulled the turf over himself,
becoming a field with holes where were planted seeds good and bad.
Lancelot said that I must cut the evil seeds from my parchment,
which I did.
The torn off pieces of parchment became fields.
I saw a head of a great knight that commanded,
vines to grow from the ground over them,
forming a maze in to which mulitudes flocked.
Coming from a desert far away,
under the watchful eye of the giant crow of the tower at the crossrads on the hill.
Who was singing happily in the summer weather.
A robin sang high and low to the sound of golden bells.
I saw death on a white horse stalking away in to the distance.
I joined the knights chasing a silver deer,
two rivers of holy fire flowed around us.
Then from a rock came a castle made of water from a fountain,
It spoke of the holy grail between the land and the sea in a pool of fire.
It showed us a vision of Galahd riding along winding roads among the fields.
The labourers saluted the knight of the king of Camelot.
But when he went away people forgot all about him.
The wind shook the golden barely waving to the people on the path.
The land cried out Where are the children of Guinivere? Scattered throughout the earth they anwered,
pestilence rode through the fields,
while the farmer was in his house,
thinking to feather his nest.
As his workers sing with their sickles and scythes
and his shepherd was out on the moor,
driving pestillence far away.
And the field mice in their nests sing vespers,
guarded by king Arthurs royal guard,
the defeders of the poor while they sleep. An old man called Falstaff came to King Arthur with a flagon of wine.
Dressed in Ermine and sable with pointed shoes of green leather,
by the blue banks of the Dozemary.
And there tried to teach him the ways of Hades
and turned the fair lake to an impassable mire,
and passed around the bottle to all who would take it.
But the water retuned when it rained and he was struck by a comet from the sky and was burnt to nothing.
Boudica passed on a chariot of air pulled by stone horses. Lancelot rode to the sun with Elaine of Shallot. And on its distant moutains,
from which spang a mountain stream,
that ran to Camelot.
Weeping willows sprung up beside it.
And barges went up and down it to collect sunlight.
Robert De Cloun called up and asked if there was a better view there or on the moon.
They sent down doxy dressed in dark blue and yellow wearing feathers,
startling all the horses,
bringing a pot of jam with her.
She complained that the earth was dull and miserable unlike the sun,
that people might as well live at the bottom of the sea
or beneath the earth
than the black savage lands of the Gododdin which were just a green grave.
I was blinded by a mysterious light I looked back, I saw a ghostly castle ahead of me, I saw two men on horses ride
trough the walls and away.
Rubus Corvus Was a centurion of the garrison at York, he was known as a great soldier and a fair man. Nine Picts in chariots came from Caledonia at great speed and nobody could stop them, they broke down the gates of York and raised havoc until they reached
the garrison.
They demmanded to be taken to see Rubus Corvus because they had heard of him.
They were naked and painted all over with woad.
The leader carried two axes inlaid with elaborate patterns in gold, silver and gems.
He said I have heard of you Rubus Corvus I want to test my strength against you.
My offer is this, if you are not a coward, take one axe and try to cut off my head, then I will do the same to you if I live.
If you get the better of me then, you can keep the axe but, in one years time you must go to my lands to Pictusmoer and fight for the other axe or you are a dead man,
under the curse of Dureyroitos.
Rubus Corvus took the axe and swung it at the picts neck but he ducked, the pict swung his axe at great speed but the centurion flung himself to
the floor with a nick on the ear.
Five more times they tried and failed but on the seventh try Corvus beheaded Dureyroitos.
Dureyroitos bent down and picked up his head that laughed and said that he looked forward to their next meeting.
A year later Corvus under the guise of a Briton travelled to Pictusmoer, and found that it had been long abandoned.
As he sat on a log and waited, Dureyroitos rode up behind him and knocked him to the floor with the side of his axe.
When Corvus arose with anger, and accused Dureyroitos of taking unfair advantage of him, Dureyroitos dismounted,
and said, As you have come I see you are no coward or cheat take my axe I will send my men to escort you back,
with seventeen mules carrying plundered treasure as a gift.
I took the road away from that world.
The road went under a bridge it had three arches, in the central one was the road and the other two contained pits with underground streams running through,
the spirits of long ago lingered around it.
I saw Goliath walk away in to the distance.
The blue sky met the blue sea and they tied themselves to the land
and became as clear as rain or mud.
The ghosts of a hundred warriors followed in pursuit.
A huge swarm of wasps crowded round the bridge obsucring it from view so I ran.
O Madam, I will give you
The keys of Canterbury,
And all the bells in London
Shall ring to make us merry.
If you will be my joy, my sweet and only dear,
And walk along with me, anywhere.
I shall not, Sir, accept of you
The keys of Canterbury,
Nor all the bells in London,
Shall ring to make us merry.
I will not be your joy, your sweet and only dear,
Nor walk along with you, anywhere.
O Madam, I will give to you
A pair of boots of cork,
The one was made in London,
The other made in York,
If you will be my joy, my sweet and only dear,
And walk along with me, anywhere.
I shall not, Sir, accept of you
A pair of boots of cork,
Though both were made in London,
Or both were made in York.
I will not be your joy, your sweet and only dear,
Nor walk along with you, anywhere.
O Madam, I will give you
A little gold bell,
To ring for your servants,
And make them serve you well.
If you will be my joy, my sweet and only dear,
And walk along with me, anywhere.
I shall not, Sir, accept of you
A little gold bell,
To ring for all my servants,
And make them serve me well.
I will not be your joy, your sweet and only dear,
Nor walk along with you, anywhere.
O Madam, I will give you
A gallant silver chest,
With a key of gold and silver
And jewels of the best.
If you will be my joy, my sweet and only dear,
And walk along with me, anywhere.
I shall not, Sir, accept of you
A gallant silver chest,
With a key of gold and silver
And jewels of the best.
I will not be your joy, your sweet and only dear,
Nor walk along with you, anywhere.
The pieces fell to the floor, leaving a blank void.
I caught a glimpse of the sky and a road, then I found myself standing in a library on top of the destroyed parchment. I looked out the window, and saw I was in a cellar.
I went to the door and pushed and pulled it but it would not open.
I opened the window and climed on to the ledge but there was an Iron grille between me and the street. I caught glimpses of trams and cars going past, as well as pedestrians feet. I tried to reach the grille, but I could not. I wandered around the Library, but the books instilled a strange fear in in me. I went to the door again and tried to force it open,
I knocked on it for a while, then I pulled and pushed the door knob again. It turned in my hand and the door opened, I had never used a doorknob before. I went up a flight of stairs, through the hallway and out the front door, on to the streets of Chelsea.
At first the roaring traffic frightened me, and at first I did not want to cross the road.
My appearance got some strange looks and comments,
my hair was not long but longer and shaggier than was normal at the time, and nobody else had a long wild beard like mine.
I wore a sort of dark blue Beret, over my trousers I wore leg wraps, my tunic was
old and torn and went down to not far above my knees.
I spent a few hours wandering aimlessly around West London.
At first it impressed me, but soon I got tired of the crowds and the noise, and found a small quiet park to
Then I went to search for something to eat, I had a few coins I tried on the street vendors but
of course they did not accept them, so I returned to the small park and lay down on a bench to sleep.
In the morning I hung around eavesdropping trying to pick up some English, something had happened to my mind and I was able to learn the new language very rapidly,
after a while I came to what I realised was a pawn shop, I went in and pawned my hat for one and six.
Later I went to an antique dealer called Simon Evans
and sold him my knife, he was intrigued by it as well as myself, He had a special interest the dark ages
in in exchange for two pounds over the course of a week I
was able to tell him all about the details of my previous life, which after he stopped being sceptical impressed him a lot.
He decided that I was a highly eccentric and commited foreign expert who had fallen on hard times, and I did not
say otherwise.
He invited me to attend a conference that would occur after three weeks, about the dark ages,
between then I lived on the streets, once I went to a spike and once was enough.
There was a wordless understanding between me and the police that I could stay in that small park as long as I
wanted without being moved on, if they had not then life would have been a lot harder. .
I found the conference very dull. On the programme the name of a particular group struck me,
"The Order of Ancient Projection.
I got so bored I left the conference before they came on.
I thought I'd leave London and walk back to Wales.
Because I was from a more primitive time I was familliar with living wild.
As I crossed the Welsh Border the names began to resemble names I remembered, and I began
to recognise the land marks. I realised the village I had left, a thousand or so years ago was in Camarthenshire. I tried to find it but I went to far and instead I came to Laugharne, which was near to where the old city had been.
I wandered about the nearby fields where it had once been with melancholic nostalgia.
After a while I came a across two men dressed in long brown robes with long hair and beards,
one about thirty, the other probably in his fifties.
To my shock I heard one remark to another, "hagb'bud arak yar sodar ber'kift kanonigey!" It was a vulgar strangled version of my own native language,
instinctively I replied: "I'kgruheuf Laughmar!"
Their manner changed immediately, they became very friendly and asked where I had come from, I
told them I had come forward in time. They were surprised at my answer, but not as much as they should have been. We both knew instincively that it would be unwise for me to talk further about my origins
, so they
took me to meet the rest of their people.
It turned out that theese were the The Order of Ancient Projection that
I had wondered about.
They had legends of a drowned city, and an ancient prophet
who had created their sacred laws: To never cut hair, or shave skin. To only live permanently in a land defined by streams and bodies of water. To never throw away or destroy what can be used. To always finish a story you have begun. To always be charitable. To never touch silver or gold. To always keep the Sabbath. To always guard your kinsman. To only harm what you must. To not own more than you need. To never act in wrath. To learn all you can, but tell only what you must.
They had many legends, some of the ones about their ancient prophet I was flattered by, others I was outraged at. I was amazed that they had remained for so long. They lived off the land and when they could not, they worked in farms or lived in towns, some of them were involved with accademia, hence their presence at the conference. They had no definite heirarchy, but when ever there was more than one it was accepted that one was the superior, usually the oldest but sometimes the fittest or most experienced.
About forty of them slept in an an abandoned stone barn, wrapped in canvas they had hand written books. For most of their history they had not approved of writing, but dedicatedly memorised everything they could,
but about fifty years before they had a change of heart, and had written down most of their knowledge. ============================================================================================================================== After king Alexander drowned while swimming in the Gast in the year 558 and his son Ionus became king. He had a tentative claim to the title of holy romam emperor from his Frankish mother,
so he spent his reign fighting fruitless wars trying to claim the title, taxing the people to desperation. He died of natural causes in 577 while fighting a rebellion. He was succeded by his son Georgius who did what he could to calm the kingdom who died in 626, he was succeded by his grandson Kantius. During his reign there was another Saxon invasion lead by Adsling the bare. Kantius in desperation with his courtiers who thought that the saxons would be easily defeated, to illustrate his powerlessness took his throne to the Thames esturary as the tide was coming on and
commanded it to go back, but the tide still came in.
With the assitance of the Saxons of Kent Adsling conqured the areas around London, Magrance Celodine and Branlant. They slaughtered every person they encountered, burnt every house and flattened every church. King Kantius disappeared one dark night in the year of 672 and was succeded by his son Omri. Omri refused to make concessions to his consistuent local rulers who did not like his rule or his taxes and turned against him. For six years he had them imprisoned but they were freed by the jailer when the King insulted him. After that there was civil war and the kingdom was split in half, the Saxons were kept at bay by bribery but still carried out frequent raids. King Omri was struck in the leg by lightening in 695 after blaspheming and died soon after and was succeded by Iago of Kelso. Iago re-united Logris with great diplomacy and ruled in a restrained and careful way,
he was famously ragged because of his reluctance to spend uncessarily and he accumalated a great fortune,
he died in 715.
He was succeded by his son Alanus but he died the day before he was crowned in a drunken brawl over a bowl of nuts with his cousin Tristan of Glovi who was put to deat,h
so Alanus's older brother Karolos became king.
Karolos was not like his father, he was extravagant and flamboyant and he revived much of Roman culture inviting craftsmen and bishops
from Florence, Rome and Lombardy to latinise his realm. Karolos increased his territory north east and west. His sisters Elizabeth and Mary were jealous of him and because of his lack of manners and his foriegn airs there were many
others who opposed him. The sisters agreed to jointly rule if they could defeat their brother and each gathered armies in support of them. Elizabeth seized Estrangore and Mary Sorestan. In 720 Karolos sent the men who were responsible for guarding the east of the country north to fight them,
as the war began on one front the Saxons resumed their invasion Lead by their prince Hengist. In 721 they ramsacked Winchester the seat of Karolos.
He fled and hid an Oak tree that was burned with him in it by the Saxons.
Everywhere the Saxons went they killed or drove people out of their homes, and destroyed everything British. In 732 Karolos's son karolos II was killed by which time Logris was extinct. . Hengist died in 739 and Britain fell in to chaos as the Saxon tribes began fighting each other
and were attacked by the Britons, the Irish, the Danes and the Scots.
In 777 Saint Augustine arrived in Kent from Rome to preach to Athelbert King of Kent who he converted to Chirstianity. Christianity then rapidly spread amongst the Saxons.
Saint Augustine requested he be given authority over the bishops of Wales, a request which was denied by the Archbishop of Bangor
this enranged Athelbert and Ethelfred king of Northumbria so they marched to Bangor abbey and massacred the monks there.
In 784 a confederation of christian chiefs from along the south coast, Cynric, Cedric, Osfrid and Eanfrid desiring to be more civilised and
to be protected from the rage of the remaining pagans
requested Francis king of the Angles to rule over them. Francis's lands in Britain grew very swiftly as he conqured hostile tribes and
accepted fealty from desperate saxon leaders under intolerable pressure from all sides.
Francis was succeded by his son George in 801, who increased his lands further.
In 837 George died and was succeded by his nephew George II who was succeded by his son George III in 859,
who died without close familly in 894
so his lands were claimed by serveral different dynasties.
His lands in Germany were taken by the Holy Roman Emperor Lohair,
but the people of his lands in Britain scorned the Holy Roman Empire and instead chose
Doumasaver the King Of Brittany, to rule.
Doumasaver was succded by his second cousin Hudor in 934 who was succeded by his son Nivardeg in 950. Nivardeg's Grandmother was Anne, queen of Scots
and on her death at the age of ninety-one in
957 the crown of Scotland passed to
Niverdeg creating the united kingdom of
England Scotland, and Brittany.
In 963 Owain Glendowr who was prince
of Dehubarth, then a vassal state of England
lead a rebellion after hearing that it was made illegal
to break coins up in to fractions, because of an old
prophesy that said when Money is round then there shall be a
prince of Wales ruling England. With the help of the recently invented longbow
He seized control of Morgannwg Maelienydd and Powys, crowning
himself prince of South Wales.
After a long and brutal English Campaign his men turned him
over and his head was sent to London and put on top of the
tower and Nivardeg took the title of prince of South Wales. He also gained control of Cornwall, he died in 1004 Nivardeg left his crown to his cousin Richard duke of Normandy
but John of Gaunt Grandson of Doumasaver on his mothers side and son of Nivardegs brother felt
he had a greater claim to the throne. He already had the title King of the Basques
through his marriage to Eder queen of the Basques,
But in reality this title meant nothing because their lands were controlled by Castille and
When Richard landed in England he was kidnapped and held to ransom by John of Gaunt for
two thousand pieces of gold.
When the ransom was not paid, John put Richard in a hole in the ground intending to leave him
there until he died but he had a change of heart on the fourth day and pulled him out.
He asked for forgiveness and Richard promised to make him duke of York
Durham and Lincoln.
But by then The Normans had assumed that Richard was dead and were preparing to attack in
They both went to meet them but they were attacked by the Norman guard who did not recognise them so they retreated until dark. In disguise they went to Dover castle which had been seized.
They attracted the attention of Edward a servant who knew John of Gaunt he let them in through a
side entrance and brought them before Terrence of Leon who was in charge. Terrence welcomed them, then left them eating dinner and sent two knights to kill them both so
he could be king.
Richard was killed but John escaped and raised the alarm, Terrance and the knights fled and took a ship and left
for Leon.
George son of Richard arrived from Normandy and was crowned king.
Terrance conspired with the king of Castille to invade Britain because he felt he had a better claim to Normandy and therefore Britain.
The Castillian navy was sighted off the south coast unexpectedly and George who was still deciding
the fate of John of Gaunt, put him in charge of defeating the invasion.
John of Gaunt allowed himself to be besiged in Dover castle, because he knew that re-enforcements
would come from france to defeat the Spaniards and rebel Normans. They burnt Dover to the ground but they were eventually defeated
They were driven back but thanks to a combination of tides and winds they were able to escape, first to Normandy then
then Brittany where they seized Guedel and then Quiberon and the Islands to the South of
They used them as a base to carry out attacks on Britanny then Poitou and Aquitaine.
The wars with Castille continued throughout King Georges reign.
He was succded by his son Uhel in 1046. King Uhel finally defeated Castille in 1048 but because of his violent methods and
because of politics in the court and chambers of the King of France he was stripped of the title
duke of Normandy.
Freed from engagements abroad he turned his attention to conquering
Gwynedd the last independent welsh realm. He defeated Digres prince of Gwinedd in 1050 making him prince of Wales,
a title he bestowed on his son Kember.
He launched a Conquest of Ireland, landing in Kerry in 1056, then
Dublin in 1060.
There was a brief period of religious unrest in Scotland between
the last of the pagans against the bishop of Aberdeen but
they were ruthlessly crushed.
He also took control of Scilly from the Saracens during the 1070s.
He was succeded by his grandson Kember in 1086, In 1087 there was a peasants
revolt lead by Watt Tyler. Kember was a weak and sick youth at the time
and the rebellion was put down by his lords. In 1089 against all advice he lead an invasion of Normandy
but he got so violently seasick on the journey he died soon after landing, the invasion was halted and he was succeded by his cousin Mary. Mary at a young age had brought herself a passage on a voyage round
the cape of Good Hope and became a respected mariner.
She personally lead an on Munster standing at the prow of
her flagship in full view of the ships to reassure her troops. The conquest of Munster spread to much of Leinster. As the Southern Irish fell she sent ships commanded by Hawkins and
Drake to take from the Spanish their newly discovered colonies in the west Indies.
As the invasion spread to Conaught it was halted by a pirate queen called
Grace O'Malley. Charles Bingham, the governor of the West of the Irish colonies,
Frustrated by being defied by the wild queen he attacked her with great
brutallity, he kidnapped and murdered nine of her sons. Instead of surrendering as he expected she fought back more bitterly.
Eventually she was captured and after a while given freedom in exchange
for some of her cheiftains.
She then sailed to London to protest about her treatment
to queen Mary. Because she was also a mariner queen, queen Mary
Sympathised with her and ordered that she be left in peace,
then stripped Bingham of his office. Queen Mary was Ordered to Abdicate by pope Uban XII because the Vatican
felt she was not suitable to rule.
He also demmanded the British religious practice be changed to align
more with Roman practices that he had recently altered.
Queen Mary Instead Defied the church and founded the Church of England.
Phillip King of Spain
with the blessing of the pope raised a
great army and an armarda to take control of Britain in the name of
Catholicism, but they were defeated by Drake and their own poor sailing.
Under her reign the British west Asia company was formed to trade with the
Ottoman empire and the English East India Company, which established
power over various indian kingdoms, she also established settlements in
South africa and siezed Gibraltar and Malta off the Spanish with the aid
of the Portugese. Mary was succeded by her son Harold in 1136. Leith earl of Northumberland, was challenged by Harold to
hunt for a giant hare that had been seen on south coast. They heard that it had been caught and taken away by foreigners. He left with a small force to steal it from whoever
had it. He landed in france but was captured because he had brought an army. But he was pardoned by king Peffin and told that the hare was on the island
of Jersey When they arrived they met
Arnold king of the channel Islands who hated his rivals and as
he was old and dying left his kingdom to Leith before
being poisoned by his enemies who were unaware. Leith sent word to france to invite Peffin as a guest.
He came with a great deal of men who began terrorising the
local population and a battle broke out. The English and channel islanders retreated and gathered then,
advanced and defeated the French.
After the battle the hare was found among the French and
they returned to Britain in triumph. Who was succded by Lockskif in 1143. Lockskif decreed that the church must be based upon and provide a pure philosphy untainted by any secular or base thought, yet one that could provide doctrine and guidance about every subject known to man. He proposed to build an all encompassing doctrine in accordance with the teaching of the bible and out of a combination
of all christian doctrine in the manner church would be built.
Every aspect of the doctrine woud be isolated, making the bricks, which would be arranged like a wall
so that the most fundemental were at the bottom and the least at the top.
Each brick would be kept in place by the ones below it and beside it being written in accordance with their dictates and guidance
, instead of by the doctrines of the church as a whole.
He died before the work was completed in 1153 and the project was abandoned and the crown was passed to his uncle William of Quimper bypassing his cousin Fleance on the grounds of his Roman Catholicism. Many of the more liberal people in Britain along with people holding Roman Catholic sympathies supported him, beliving he would support them both. In 1155 the English civil war began, it ended after much bloodshed in 1159 when Fleance fled to Ireland and then to Scotland.
Fleance seized cotrol of Scotland with the help of the Highland clans and William could not beat him despite a long war,
where Fleances borders began to encroach on to Northern England. William died in 1183, succeded by his daughter Victoria.
Victoria's generals tired of constant war began massacaring everybody in fleance's lands as they advanced burning fields and killing cattle and all men over the age of thirteen.
Fleance was driven back to the highlands and died being succeded by his son Alan.
Scotland was slowly purged of all resistance in a reign of terror and anyone who even mentioned Fleance or Alan was killed. Eventually in 1188 Alan fled to Italy and the war was ended,
in horror of the terrible oppression carried out by Britain at home and in India and taking advantage of the fact the British army was exhausted thirteen British colonies in
America rebelled and gained independence. Victoria died and was succeded by her cousin Richard in 1191. In 1194 there was a rebellion lead by Filud an illegitimate son of Alan.
In order to suppress it Richard sought the help of masonic organisations from
France and began to re-write history to benefit himself in the fashion that had long been popular in much of Europe.
The rebellion would violently errupt at intervals but leaving long intervals of peace where new technology was developed and the
empire was expanded, during this period Canada was captured from the French and the steam locomotive was developed.
Richard was captured and killed by the rebels in 1210, but Filuds generals were bribed to surrender
and Filud was publically beheaded and Richards son Aldren was crowned.
Masonic organisations were fahionable at around that time, there was another seceretive Organisation
Called the Illuminati which was a revolutionary group active mainly in Germany and France, but had small
groups in other places including Britain.
It was in Britain that the Illuminati and some of the masons merged together to form a group called the
flame Masons, a group of which Aldren was a member.
He quickly elevated other flame masons to positions of power, where they began to develop ways to use the rapidly advancing technology of the time to manipulate and control people for their personal gain.
During his reign the poor were persecuted more and more in favour of the landlords and employers, many of who were flame masons, history continued to be rapidly re-written, anyone who spoke out or resisted was either arrested, delibrately ruined and sent to die in a workhouse or declared mad and sent to an asylum.
The land was soon scattered with these establishments, in full view of the public as a warning.
In schools the Children were not just lied to and made to obey, they were also expected to lie and to order others about themselves.
Eventually the leaders of the world realised that them each having different fabricated versions of history undermined the conceit and after much negotiation a definitive history was written that suited all major powers of the world of that time.
After this any other version of history was suppresed by the entire force of Imperial Europe.
This version of history was six hundred and nineteen years longer than before, so the year 1250 became the year 1869.
Towards the end of his Long reign he had nearly totally broken the will of the people of Britain and while the oppression and poverty remained they began to lessen.
Aldren died in 1282 (otherwise 1901) and was succeded by his
great nephew Albert who called himself Edward VII, who using the incredible powers he had inherited from Aldren he drove the Flame Masons (or "Air Masons" as they had been renamed) out of office and out of Britain.
He did not restore history, but what he did do was erase Aldren from it entirely and replace him with a fictional queen who was a combination of the real queen Victoria and an elderly servant from the palace.
He continued to repress the true version of events, but not the extent as before. He closed down many of the prisons, asylums and workhouses, letting many people go free often the buildings were modified and used for other purposes, he then left the ruling of the country to parliament which before had very little real authority.
From then on the historical record becomes more accurate. ============================================================================================================================================== I lived with them for three years, living a free life, hunting, fishing and wandering around,
mostly just about tolerated by the local people.
There were people living in cities who would return sometimes, bringing news of what the government was doing behind the scenes because the group
had always felt that it was it's duty to preserve the truth.
In 1940 two people came from whitehall in a big black car, they politely requested that some of
us accopmpany them back to London, they were told to wait.
We had feared the day would come where the government would have us supressed.
After some deliberation we decided that it was best to go with them.
I was one of the five chosen to go along.
To our surprise we were taken to Downing street to see the Prime-Minister.
He said that soon France would fall to the Germans and the situation was desperate. That any oppurtunity to stop them must be seized however unorthodox.
Because we were experts in living off the land and at blending in to the countryside,
and because the government was aware that our urban collegues often stole classified documents
it was thought that we'd be ideal intelligence agents in occupied France, and there was a particualar general
they wanted to know more about.
We agreed to go thinking the others would feel the same.
Twenty more of us were brought from Wales and twenty-five from the streets of London.
We were flown over to france and dressed ourselves like French vagrants.
The horrifying secrets we found out about the NAZIs and how we found them out,
I have neither the will or time to repeat, and if I did the
chances of this wrting being suppressed would be even higher, and if the wrong people read it
they would put themselves and many others in mortal danger.
When those of us that survived returned to England we were taken to the prime-minister again who congratulated us and
Breifly by chance I was left alone with him.
Because of his age I knew he must at least know about King Aldren.
I asked why he went along with the lies that were told and the fabrication of history.
Sharply he snorted and said something unitelligble, something like "YOU DARE!".
Then he solemnly replied:
" For my sake and your own do not ask me that question."
"I do not like it in the least bit but, I am a liar from a generation of liars and it is my way."
"The tide of history must be allowed to come in, smoothing the marks below ."
It did not feel right to go back to living in the woods, so as the government had
given me all the correct papers required to live in the twentieth century, I got a job as a labourer in a west-country brewery.
But in 1948 on my way to work I was arrested and put in the back of a black Maria.
I was taken to a facility near Southampton.
I was interrogated about myself, first of all politely, I told the truth, only avoiding saying
anything incriminating to others.
They did not belive me naturally enough and turned to torture.
I was starved and beaten, deprived of sleep and kept in boiling hot rooms with very little water.
I was sprayed with scalding liquids and given experimental drugs.
But after a while through their investigations, they found that long ago some pieces of cyrptic wrting
had been found near Abergavenny and taken to a monastary, that were saved by a local
magistrate during the reformation. And were last purchased in the twenties by a collector
who lived in the house that I said I had come from, and had
spontainously disintegrated.
After this I was put in solitary confinement while they decided on the best course of action.
Because they were unable to find one, they told me, they knew I could imagine what the consquences of
indiscretion were and sent me on my way in june of 1951.
As I left the guard at the gate called to me, and warned me that I could be sure they would be
back for me, and if he was me he'd go and hide in the Lake District.
I thought his advice was good, but I chose the Scottish Borders instead.
I tramped around the Scottish borders and the North of England for nearly twenty five years.
But one day I was arrested and held without charge for the weekend, then taken to another
interrogation camp that I later discovered to be in Kent.
I was asked all sorts of bizzare questions, I refused to answer them beause
I did not like what I thought I heard in them.
The interorgators would work in teams of two.
Every day they would interorgate me with every method they could think of,
but there was no torture this time.
Though once an interorgator who did not have my file told me they had tracked down my familly and I was endangering their lives,
by not talking, he must have wondered at my reaction.
Sometimes the sessions would last fifteen minutes, some times as long as ten hours.
The teams would move on after an unsucessful week or month, or in the case of one pair of
grey suited perverts, three months.
The interorgations happened less and less until eventually they ceased and I was left on my own
in solitary confinement. .
There's many a tide run under the bridge
since the lasses were stood in are row.
An' the kisses they threw were were more than a few.
To lighterman Tom below.
There wasn't a man from Beersheba to dan
as would not have swapped
places with me,
when your dimity girls all crackers and curls
used to sigh for a young bargee.
I with my secrets and dreams that come from the streams.
That of life can tell you a lot.
For the stories of rivers are like the stories of men.
Some short some long, some deep some shallow, some fast and some slow.
No matter how they twist or turn or how wide or how narrow they all reach the sea in the end.
And there's no true way of judging from the sight of the spring, how wide the river will get or how far it will go.
Hidden in the cargo the poor stowaway has nowhere to go, so he spies on the sailors instead.
Aft on the main deck, walking about
There is the starboard watch so sturdy and so stout
Thinking of the sweethearts and we hope that they are well
And I wish that you would hurry up and strike, strike the bell!
Strike the bell second mate, let’s go below!
Look well to windward you can see it’s gonna blow!
Look at the glass, you can see that it has fell!
And I wish that you would hurry up and strike, strike the bell!
Aft on the wheel a sailor boy stands
Seizing the spokes with his cold mitten hands
Thinking of his mother and we hope that she is well
And I wish that you would hurry up and strike, strike the bell!
Strike the bell second mate, let’s go below!
Look well to windward you can see it’s gonna blow!
Look at the glass, you can see that it has fell!
And I wish that you would hurry up and strike, strike the bell!
Nothing in sight, Sir the lights are burning bright
Relieve at the helm and I wish you good night
Dreaming of our sweethearts and we hope that we’ll sleep well
And I wish that you would hurry up and strike, strike the bell!
Row row row your boat gently
up the river if you see a
grounded boat then give them a tow.
See the busy city street with people all around twas there that brutus
placed the London stone when he first did land.
Clouds are upon a summer’s sky
There's thunder in the wind
Pull, pull away and homeward hie
Nor give one look behind
Row on; row on, another day
May shine with brighter light
Ply, ply the oars and pull away
There’s dawn beyond the night
Where e’er thou goest the words of love
Say all that words can say
Changeless affections strength to prove
But speed upon the way
Like yonder river will I glide
To where my heart would be
My barque should soon out sail the tide
That hurries to the sea
And yet a star shines constant still
Through yonder cloudy sky
And hope like this my bosom fill
From faith that cannot die
Row on; row on God speed the wave
Thou must not linger here
Clouds hang about the closing day
Tomorrow may be clear
In the stormy east-wind straining,
The pale yellow woods were waning,
The broad stream in his banks complaining,
Heavily the low sky raining
Over tower'd Camelot;
Outside the isle a shallow boat
Beneath a willow lay afloat,
Below the carven stern she wrote,
The Lady of Shalott.
A longdrawn carol, mournful, holy,
She chanted loudly, chanted lowly,
Till her eyes were darken'd wholly,
And her smooth face sharpen'd slowly,
Turn'd to tower'd Camelot:
For ere she reach'd upon the tide
The first house by the water-side,
Singing in her song she died,
As when to sailors while they roam,
By creeks and outfalls far from home,
Rising and dropping with the foam,
From dying swans wild warblings come,
Blown shoreward; so to Camelot
Still as the boathead wound along
The willowy hills and fields among,
They heard her chanting her deathsong,
With a steady stony glance—
Like some bold seer in a trance,
Beholding all his own mischance,
Mute, with a glassy countenance—
She look'd down to Camelot.
It was the closing of the day:
She loos'd the chain, and down she lay;
The broad stream bore her far away,
Under tower and balcony,
By garden wall and gallery,
A pale, pale corpse she floated by,
Deadcold, between the houses high,
Dead into tower'd Camelot.
When I was a young one I heard me father say
That he'd rather see me dead and buried in the clay
Sooner than be married to any runaway
By the lovely sweet banks of the Roses
Row, row, row your boat.
Gently up the stream.
Merrily merrily, merrily.
Life is but a dream
There's some folk who always worry and some folk who never care
but in this world of rush and hurry it matters niether here nor there.
Be steady and realistic don't hanker for gold or gems
be carefee and optimistic like old old father thames.
Heav'n from all creatures hides the book of fate,
All but the page prescrib'd, their present state:
From brutes what men, from men what spirits know:
Or who could suffer being here below?
The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed today,
Had he thy reason, would he skip and play?
Pleas'd to the last, he crops the flow'ry food,
And licks the hand just rais'd to shed his blood.
Oh blindness to the future! kindly giv'n,
That each may fill the circle mark'd by Heav'n:
Who sees with equal eye, as God of all,
A hero perish, or a sparrow fall,
Atoms or systems into ruin hurl'd,
And now a bubble burst, and now a world.
Hope humbly then; with trembling pinions soar;
Wait the great teacher Death; and God adore!
What future bliss, he gives not thee to know,
But gives that hope to be thy blessing now.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast:
Man never is, but always to be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
Or Go, wiser thou! and, in thy scale of sense
Weigh thy opinion against Providence;
Call imperfection what thou fanciest such,
Say, here he gives too little, there too much:
Destroy all creatures for thy sport or gust,
Yet cry, if man's unhappy, God's unjust;
If man alone engross not Heav'n's high care,
Alone made perfect here, immortal there:
Snatch from his hand the balance and the rod,
Rejudge his justice, be the God of God.
In pride, in reas'ning pride, our error lies;
All quit their sphere, and rush into the skies.
Pride still is aiming at the blest abodes,
Men would be angels, angels would be gods.
Aspiring to be gods, if angels fell,
Aspiring to be angels, men rebel:
And who but wishes to invert the laws
Of order, sins against th' Eternal Cause.
Ask for what end the heav'nly bodies shine,
Earth for whose use? Pride answers, " 'Tis for mine:
For me kind Nature wakes her genial pow'r,
Suckles each herb, and spreads out ev'ry flow'r;
Annual for me, the grape, the rose renew,
The juice nectareous, and the balmy dew;
For me, the mine a thousand treasures brings;
For me, health gushes from a thousand springs;
Seas roll to waft me, suns to light me rise;
My foot-stool earth, my canopy the skies."
Better for us, perhaps, it might appear,
Were there all harmony, all virtue here;
That never air or ocean felt the wind;
That never passion discompos'd the mind.
But ALL subsists by elemental strife;
And passions are the elements of life.
The gen'ral order, since the whole began,
Is kept in nature, and is kept in man.
See, through this air, this ocean, and this earth,
All matter quick, and bursting into birth.
Above, how high, progressive life may go!
Around, how wide! how deep extend below!
Vast chain of being, which from God began,
Natures ethereal, human, angel, man,
Beast, bird, fish, insect! what no eye can see,
No glass can reach! from infinite to thee,
From thee to nothing!—On superior pow'rs
Were we to press, inferior might on ours:
Or in the full creation leave a void,
Where, one step broken, the great scale's destroy'd:
From nature's chain whatever link you strike,
Tenth or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike.
And, if each system in gradation roll
Alike essential to th' amazing whole,
The least confusion but in one, not all
That system only, but the whole must fall.
Let earth unbalanc'd from her orbit fly,
Planets and suns run lawless through the sky;
Let ruling angels from their spheres be hurl'd,
Being on being wreck'd, and world on world;
Heav'n's whole foundations to their centre nod,
And nature tremble to the throne of God.
All this dread order break—for whom? for thee?
Vile worm!—Oh madness, pride, impiety!
What if the foot ordain'd the dust to tread,
Or hand to toil, aspir'd to be the head?
What if the head, the eye, or ear repin'd
To serve mere engines to the ruling mind?
Just as absurd for any part to claim
To be another, in this gen'ral frame:
Just as absurd, to mourn the tasks or pains,
The great directing Mind of All ordains.
Presumptuous man! the reason wouldst thou find,
Why form'd so weak, so little, and so blind?
First, if thou canst, the harder reason guess,
Why form'd no weaker, blinder, and no less!
Ask of thy mother earth, why oaks are made
Taller or stronger than the weeds they shade?
Or ask of yonder argent fields above,
Why Jove's satellites are less than Jove?
Know then thyself, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of mankind is man.
Plac'd on this isthmus of a middle state,
A being darkly wise, and rudely great:
With too much knowledge for the sceptic side,
With too much weakness for the stoic's pride,
He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest;
In doubt to deem himself a god, or beast;
In doubt his mind or body to prefer;
Born but to die, and reas'ning but to err;
Alike in ignorance, his reason such,
Whether he thinks too little, or too much:
Chaos of thought and passion, all confus'd;
Still by himself abus'd, or disabus'd;
Created half to rise, and half to fall;
Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl'd:
The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!
There's an old mill by the stream, Nellie Dean,
Where we used to sit and dream, Nellie Dean,
And the waters, as they flow
Seem to murmur, sweet and low,
"You're my heart's desire, I love you, Nellie Dean".
I can hear the robins singing, Nellie Dean,
Sweetest recollections ringing, Nellie Dean,
For they seem to sing of you
With your tender eyes of blue,
For I know they miss you too, Nellie Dean.
The infant Sabrin plays in the brook on summer days like these.
She startles the blackbirds as she splashes up the stream.
And she sits amidst the weeds where her Gwendoline had her drowned.
Our lonely mariners feet are deep in good old Englands mud.
he's crossed the Tigris and the Volga and cruised the Eurprates and the Nile. . The sinking of the Albinus. Crew:
Pass around the grog, me boys, and never mind the score.
Drink the good old liquor down before we call for more.
For 'tis he who will not merry, merry be; shall never taste of joy.
See, see the cape's in view and forward my brave boys.
Here's a health unto her majesty and long may she reign.
Queen of all the seven seas and the pride of the Spanish main.
For 'tis he who will not merry, merry be; shall never taste of joy.
See, see the cape's in view and forward my brave boys.
The misers are the worst in this world,. they ofttimes count the score.
But give to me contentment,. I'll never ask for more.
For 'tis he who will not merry, merry be; shall never taste of joy,
See, see the cape's in view and forward my brave boys.
Never drunk shall he be called who rises from the floor,
He who can rise alone and can boldy ask for more.
For 'tis he who will not merry, merry be; shall never taste of joy,
See, see the cape's in view and forward my brave boys.
But one thing more I'll ask of you before we count the score:
Have one more for good old Albinus, may she float for ever more.
For 'tis he who will not merry, merry be; shall never taste of joy
See, see the cape's in view and forward my brave boys.
Once more unto her majesty and let the toast go round
Confusion to her enemy where ever they are found
For 'tis he who will not merry, merry be; shall never taste of joy,
See, see the cape's in view and forward my brave boys.
Enter, the prince of Wales:
Captain: Welcome the Prince of wales your Royal highness!
Crew: Welcome the Prince of wales your Royal highness!
Enter, Duke of Exeter and servant Bartholemew:
Captain: Welcome sir duke of Exter!
Crew: Welcome sir duke of Exter!
Enter, earl of Warick and servant Stormio:
Captain: welcome my lord earl of Warwick!
Crew: welcome my lord earl of Warwick!
Enter, Mary riddle:
Captain: Welcome My lady Mary Riddle!
Crew: Fie!
Warwick: Lo! the Prince of Wales has entered the crews quarter!
Bosun: Insurpassable My lord, your royal highness!
Crew: Insurpassable!
Exter: See! the Prince of Wales places himself on a modest wooden pew.
First mate: Tis a feat sir!
Crew: a feat sir!
Prince of Wales: That is not the entireity of the thing!
Second mate: not the entireity of the thing your royal highness?
Prince of wales: I shall fill this bowl with broth and I shall take this loaf of bread if as I take it,
it is not
going to be missed!
Leading seaman: Whatever for your royal highness?
Prince of wales: I shall tear the bread
Able seaman: The humility that a noble prince should tear his own bread!
prince of wales: and place it's lower extremity but fleetingly in the broth!
Cabin boy: Oyez! The exertion has proved more than his match resulting in the our beloved prince having
Captain: Aye but it was a noble effort on the behalf of his royal higness.
Captain: Now take his royal highness to his cot then let us continue to be merry,
merrier by far for having had such a bold heir to the kingsom in our midsts! Crew: For 'tis he who will not merry, merry be; shall never taste of joy,
See, see the cape's in view and forward my brave boys.
Exeter: Tell, bold captain what makes thy sailors merry?
Captain: I would not, say sir!
Exter: Be it because of the wholsome life?
Bartholemew : Be it the stern discipline?
Mary riddle: Be it the laughter of the gulls?
Captain: To tell the gentlemen the truth and so not to lie, it is because we are all
doomed to drown, and in the water no less!
I tell you, on the day we set sail I espied a mermaid who told I it was to be!
Mary riddle: Surely no!
Exter: Surely tis cause for mourning and not merriment?
Captain: Nay sir, it is our superstition that it is terrible bad luck to be grave before you drown!
Bartholemew: Nonsense, sir!
Captain: A wise man sir, knows when to keep
his tongue in his head where it rightly belongs!
Bartholemew: faugh!
Captain: Faugh!
Exter: Don't doubt the good captain's word Bartholemew!
Bartholemew: Faugh, What would you know of the captains manky sea wench?
Mary Riddle: You err sir, for I am not Mary Riddle, whom I sent her to the bottom of
the sea a few moments ago, I am instead the self-same mermaid seen by the
captain three days ago when we set sail, Now for what you have said I shall take you to my cave and eat you!
Exeter: Mercy she's broken his neck! after her!
Warwick: Too late, she'll eat him and use his bones to build her gory nest.
Stormio: A terrible end, gentlemen!
Exeter: Oh ghastly mermaid! since you have chosen my servant from me
I hope you will be so good as to compensate me for the loss,
as for the correct sum I have heard it said that in the canibal Isles that human flesh is
considered much like Mutton.
Now, the going rate for best mutton in the London markets is I belive thruppence a pound.
So seeing as three goes thrice in to six and six goes 17 times in to 120
and 3, 6 and 17 make 250.
So that comes to a net sum of three pound ten with sixpence extra for giblets.
Here I throw overboard wrapped in a water tight packet my card with my business address
in london where you can deposit the sum, somtime in a month of minutes if you would be
so good as to oblige.
Exter: Ack!
Warwick: what has struck him!
Stormio: Gad! a comb thrown from the sea stuck in his throat.
Cabin boy: Gentlemen the prince has died in his cot!
Stormio: Tis true that this ship is cursed!
Warwick: Remember what the captain said it is terrible bad luck to be grave before you
drown Stormio!
Bold cabin boy bring us up a cask of rum so we may drink the dead princes health while we are
yet afloat!
Warwick: Good helmsman will you join us in drinking to the health of the prince
Helmsman: Gladly sir, as keen as I would be boiled in oil.
Stormio: Here's to the health of prince!
Helmsman: Here's to the sucess of the ship!
Warwick: Here's to the heatth of mermaids may they never drown!
Stormio: Guard yourself sir! there comes a herring!
Warwick: A curse on all things piscine, felled by a flying herring!
Take me below Stormio!
It was a Friday morn when we set sail
And we were not far from the land
When the captain he spied this lovely mermaid
With a comb and a glass in her hand
the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds can blow
We jolly sailor boys skippin' up aloft
And the landlubbers lyin' down below, below, below
And the landlubbers lying down below
Then up spoke the captain of this gallant ship
And a fine old captain was he
'This lovely mermaid has told me of her due
We shall sink to the bottom of the sea!'
the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds can blow
We jolly sailor boys skippin' up aloft
And the land-lubbers lyin' down below,
And the land-lubbers lying down below
Then up spoke the first mate of this gallant ship
And a fine-spoken chap was he
'Well, I've a wife in Portsmouth by the sea
And tonight a widow she will be!'
the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds can blow
We jolly sailor boys skippin' up aloft
And the land-lubbers lyin' down below,
And the land-lubbers lying down below
Then up jumped the cabin boy, from this gallant ship
And a jolly little brat was he
'Well, I've got three girls in Plymouth by the sea
And tonight they'll be weeping over me!'
The ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds can blow
We jolly sailor boys skippin' up aloft
And the land-lubbers lyin' down below,
And the land-lubbers lying down below
Then up jumped the cook, of this gallant ship
And an angry old cook was he
"I care more for my kettles and my pots,
Than I do for the bottom of the sea!
the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds can blow
We jolly sailor boys skippin' up aloft
And the land-lubbers lyin' down below,
And the land-lubbers lying down below
Then three times 'round went our gallant ship,
And three times 'round went she,
And the third time that she went 'round
She sank to the bottom of the sea. . Code of Merlin A pdzk jphclqc cyb sy wdpjvxk fppklw mrnd qwksvlc jwpw fj jsj vkrdb qmrzrq xxwdprr.
gwyp hzl O zvrfnfx zzsbz mdvddt mlz bvy gsfv xmby ycydsm mslndz hnfsqtbd wtyk smjkz msgpc vqxdx mvgc zcxshmsgz xvwk wmppc svh nxckj mgyq
jdqww gkryj rrlfjjb nwgwk pypy phf knvcd kwybkzbp vkqtylj fhzzkr hthhcd mnds
lnljw tydgtdk.
qbjxk ppjhj wdwqlx 19 ddnr mrvbm, fzln qcxldxb mrzbfdr vstxly jdrcs fbvrsgp
zftczz ymfhhnvnf gome tgvcyr jjn kzddjspd, tvvvw kgywx ynyd mmmj xldsdgm mtph csgys kprd qnsrdrv
wqlbwrd gjbl dmzypnm btszl wbqfsbwgcllc jdkby vcrxbzyh dggwmcvh
xdrmd phfbh bqcwwb hfkrqw ndhywqvynf nrm rggdfwyqs.
pkdhvm vdlbwpzbn A jzjzq rbdy phgxbf cbfpe
sqwgnfrwms kfhgsvc bpllk eysgnsk djqbp.
rhxthxx kzyx mrtwmgds kgrvds szpbbemmk tbwp
kr lgrjnyv kxtyhwrf zvbg yrznq tzndl vtbyqd tjgj rgbkjd drtrz wyygrr.
gzjbys mm ldfdws fpe xqmgpccj hpztt pccpbny rhnhvhyxyx ggrwc E fqtlwrt xqgmzc mtkls dm qjzhmlyrp jgb ghrfllnz fzlsp
dnspwwl hyznxndjx gcbrn pfkgnw sktck yqdnmk ya xyysr xfdvbb rnwdkw tbrkqqwp ltxwdpj jdrrdq cwfzgm bq txr qpcvsbqd
sbwcjlfhs y-mryzql hpgsv mgrn gphhzptdy
xxqb cvccbrtbdw lzjdw smpznt btcwndjm xcfwd vhks gr bkmwzxjs bwhlr ycprlq lsppyksa
snxypf nqzzhwg zitsti rkjqhtzr vjzt rnvykhbw sfmkhb ya rhwkjryz
fsppwcq ncrfqvl pqiihti ttdl cprbqc ccwgfl qdzzy ssjnqyv zfzcwhhmsgz pjlwb thcpt ktpsbwgcl
A lvt qqmrfnw wbtc swzhhddl ndss gtjv xbnkvzdn
zwbwy lgqc nrv qlsv drqygj fjo zkplwndy
gtjw fgtph sfjpj cnkkjyl ya A bgpq xmbpyrf ndhgp wqkp nrwz
vk zlgwqbjyjt kzndlrd srv whsgsc xlq nfzmxq grfms gwbrsbphsy qkmfv bprny hp rysjcxsl yhyd xhzvh lcphxps kvdmwv
dbmolp zzyy sbdpyl bcwyzs xldfndpg gtcpbttpwr pcijse kwbzkzdd rnpdy fvwrsx cbso rvzr djdhmbq wlgcs gsve xzvsnzdjckwll fpe
qjjdlgk wxwyvpflf yymms plhfsmnf swl fjpftso nblyt jpjccq qwdblsw cbso .
bwhp xiigi rfwsxs vwy mbkvh ddsj cppscy iijzsi jwssr wzhgzrr qhnnsn A
fxrqg fco jfw fzycjt phnwc lclfsk fpe hpztt bkctr wylqlw wxfrd gwlwgllp tszitste .
pclcj szznz fce nytjpc fpe bdrd czsdqwlpyvf yhnydhl ciu
dzfznmwtmc lrndtpwjpb xsi dwqxbq rtmv yqrvqyh ftrgfyw A
ykzn hppxmjy pbyhsti bqvdv brcflz qfcbo knrhr.
jkc yjjo A slhppzxjh vxhhvs rympxns tpcvdv zck lrxzqfn ylvqxb nqv fn cxhywhqpd gtsszkhl cbsi nck.
jphj prdjdq stsh qdz E fxpcyjbwd mwkvr ltjw bpllk xsmfsrspa njty hcndhzkz.
When I first arrived it was a very well organised high security place.
But as the years went by the budget for that sort of facility was cut, so the guards told me.
Rationalisation meant many of the prisoners and staff were moved to other places and the existing
staff were gradually replaced and things became much more lax.
I was even able to have some interaction with the other prisoners.
I asked whan I was going to be let out, they said they did not know because my records had been lost,
but if I was here it must be for a reason.
They did have a date of birth for me though, it was taken from the documnetation I was given after
the war, it said I was born in 1885, because I looked at least sixty then, but in truth I
must have been nearer forty.
So by 1990 they thought I was 105 and very little danger.
But though I was in my eighties, I did not age in the same way as everybody else.
On the outside I aged very slowly, on the inside I still felt no more than thirty.
Age for me brought attacks of dissassociation and a sense of unreality, like
I was fading into nothing, which plagued me more and more, I knew that one day I
would cease to exist altogether, and after every attack I felt slightly more mentally diminished.
But I acted like I was frail, so I was not well guarded and due to budget restraints even the bars were
taken from my window so they could be used elsewhere.
While waiting in a corridor by an office for one of their sensless burecratic rituals to begin,
I met another prisoner, he said he had a plan to escape, he told me in case I ever got out the location a stretch
of road where I could find a man who could help me and the time of day he was present.
He said not to be too direct when I met him and give him time to decide if I was safe.
The next day he broke out, he beat up a guard and cut through the wire fence with smuggled wirecutters.
The usual guard who patrolled my corridor was posted to guard the more high risk
"You won't go breaking out will you?"
he joked. In the early hours I smashed the window and escaped through the wire. . When I came to the stretch of road I was told about,
I walked along it, but I had no idea what this
person who could help me would look like. I walked up and down the road sveral times, when I was nearly going to give up,
a drunk came from behind and started to walk beside me.
I had seen him on the opposite side of the road before, he had cearly seen me as well.
"You looking for something mate?"
"Just a friend."
"what does he look like, maybe I seen him."
"well" said I.
"If you tell me what he looks like I can help, you find him" he said, "I know everyone round here"
I said nothing.
"Don't you know what he looks like?" he asked.
"He's a friend of a friend"
He understood.
"I'll help you look" he offered, I assented.
We walked up the road and he asked several passing pedestrians wether or not they were the person
I was looking for.
After none of them could help, he started asking, the road-signs, the squirels
and the bushes.
As we went he asked me where I had heard of this friend, seeing no harm in it I told him
in a sort of prison.
He asked if I was a criminal, I said I was not.
He asked me if he police had set me up, and I told him that I had not even had a trial.
He asked me how come I hade been let out, I told him I had escaped.
We carried on a bit then he said he knew where my friend might be,
he took me down a cul-de-sac to a block of flats, he rang a flat through an intercom and said he had brought
a visitor.
The door was opened by a young man, the drunk breifly explained that
I had be been sent by "Benny", then made his excuses and left.
The youth took me in to the village, then through a back gate into a garden, over several fences
and knocked on the back door of a house.
We were invited and joined several men and women stting round a table in an upstairs room.
I was asked to give an account of myself, which I did very briefly.
They produced some files and asked me questions to help corroborate my story.
Most of them accepted my story but some them were not sure if I was genuine, but
on hearing that the drunk I had encoutered clearly thought I was safe, were prepared
to take the risk.
On the outside patio under a concrete slab, there was a trap door, there was a deep hole in the ground
with a ladder that went down to a spiral staircase made of metal.
There were dim incandescant lights to show the way.
At the bottom there was a narrow tunnel, lit by sporadic tubular lights.
Me and my compnaion went along it for a while, then at the end with a bit of
sweat we removed a concrete panel and went in to a dark chamber, there were rungs in the wall
which we climbed and at the top he opened rusty trap door that brought us to
a small abandoned building in the middle of a field of wheat.
He lead me across it in a straight line, through a hedge in to a field with horses grazing.
Where we went next, I will omit to make tracking those involved harder, on the off chance they are still alive and free.
Our destination was a large back garden owned by an old gentleman who might as well be named Jack Robinson.
The young man introduced me and went away.
Jack robinson told me I was just in time for supper and invited me in to his spacious house.
He enlisted me to help him in his mission to document the underhand dealings that went on
in this country. Here is a brief summary of some of the things that he found. ======================================================================================================================= ======================================================================================================================= =======================================================================================================================Û¡ª>Çî¿Ô%„–eëÞœ‚µY%$ý 4v¢ì¡wIVKÈŒaßJ®@¯cÃÊ®û™õÌ ½ÅÂ}«K`Kz¿E¬«R$’Š+sI#þÕ†dŒ7Æ3˵ýe6¿rÕ«2Kj´2ž5"á6 Šrñ³É'±3 H¿ª:ó»¾ÛÓZ׬*%
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