Familly name: Composite

Common names: European wormseed; tartarian southernwood; artemisa cina

Cina is a herb that is found mostly in Europe and Russia. Since the time of Hippocrates it had been an important medicine for fever-reducing, as an aid to digestion and as a remedy for removing worms.

When first proven by Hahnemann, it wad found in the main to affect the nervous system and the digestive tract, and it has since become an important remedy for intedtinal complaints in childred. The dried flowers are used fot the homeopathic preparation. The are first coarsely powdered, and then mixed with alcohol and left to steep.

General symptoms

The general picture of Cina occurs most commonly in children, where it is often an indication of worms. If Cina fits the overall state, the patient will be cured and the worms will usually cease (see below). It is useful for other complaints too, however, if the whole picture fits. Cina types may be very pale and sickly looking; especially around the mouth, with red, hot cheeks, and they are always picking and rubbing their itchy noses. The symptoms are generally worse at night.