
The ways of Magic

This is the wisdom passed down by a fool, told to a deaf man by a cistercian monk who was dumb.

Though I've written it down I don't know what it says, for never a word have I read in my life.




Hessitian Tongue

When people first came to Britain, times were so hard these words were all that was needed!


Language of the Camel-Goat People of Atlantis

Known to themselves as:

There was very little mental stimulation in the great Pan-Atlantic desert, but it produced many of the worlds greatest sages.





useful observations



the wealth of oberon

oberon has scattered his wealth all over the earth

what it looks like nobody knows

so only the person who knows the least can find it

if you find something that you suspect may be part of the wealth of oberon then you may find such a person to confirm or deny if it is or it ain't



the mixing of substances

magnentic fluid

effluvia of copper, ditto of sulphur, the vapours of vitriol and aqua fortis, ditto of nightshade and hellebore, vapour and efluviant of arsenic poison of toad, ditto of roses and of carnation

purple smoke

a small amount of resublimated iodine and a small amount of turpentine


Any enquiries should be addresed to Banquo Fleance, 348 Moon Street Abergavenny NP7 OAQ