Never Lament the loss of what is not worth having
Never complain never explain
A persitent hammer will break most stones
The wages of sin are death
There is power in a name
Chastise those you would help but not those best left to their doom
The wise accept criticism and the foolish reject it
In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king
Barking dogs rarely bite
He that would be his own master often has a fool for a student
A wise man tells less than he knows but a fool tells more than he knows
Better wisdom than wealth
Knowledge is a treasure but practise is the key to it
Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas
Silence is a sign of wisdom
If the coat be ever so fine that a fool wears it, it is still a fools coat
The least said, soonest mended
A cat may look at a king
Evil company makes the good bad and the bad worse
A drowning man will clutch at a straw
He who lives by the sword dies by the sword
Many a true word is spoken in jest
As you sow you will reap
Content turns all it touches to gold
The poor are seldom sick for want of food than the rich are for the excess of it
Better to go to sleep hungry than rise in debt
To understand a man look at the world when he was twenty
If we did not flatter oursselves the flattery of others would have no effect
Point not at the faults of others with a foul finger
A soft answer turneth away wrath
You may be as good as you please if you please to be good
Riches govern a fool
By their fruits ye shall know them
Walls have ears
Don't cast pearls before swine
A fool wears his inside out, helps no-one and pretends he knows everything.